Are you a Retro collector? If you said no and still on a BBS thats awesome. What is your prized piece of your collection? Do you have any emulation projects? Do you release your work?
My Prize piece is my A1200 I have an upgrade card in it. I do have an emulation project. I make a customized Retro Pie image. I haven't yet. Was considering it but its pretty huge for a Pi image. Compressed I think its around 128G. You will need a 256G card to you it. I would put it out there but not sure if any one would want it.
Do you retro on the Pi?
When you say "retro" there, are you talking about anything retro (from antique furniture to retro computers and more), or do you specifically mean retro computing?
That sounds interesting.
Do you retro on the Pi?
I just bought a Raspberry Pi recently, and I almost considered doing a retro gaming or computer emulation project with it, but I decided on something else instead. For retro gaming, I already have a Super
Nintendo Classic mini console (which I've modded and added more games
to), and I've also modded my Nintendo Wii and added emulators and games etc., and I also use emulators on my PC.
The Pi is a beast a emulation. I a Wii with a wode on it. Haven't played
There are some awesome PC setups.
Have you messed with any of the VMan stuff? If you on Windows there is some amazing stuff there.
What did you end up using your Pi for?
What is a wode?
I haven't seen VMan. But one thing I've seen not too long ago that I thought was pretty cool was Mednafen, a multi-system emulator. It
looked like it also allows multi-player capability over the internet (though I had also seen other emulators that do that).
I still haven't put it together yet, because I have another kit on order which should arrive 4 days from now - I had heard about an open-source music synthesizer software called Zynthian, and they also have hardware kits for the Raspberry Pi that include a custom case, audio ports, touch screen, etc. that basically let you turn a Raspberry Pi into a music synthesizer:
I have a synthesizer already, but its LCD screen seems to be failing;
I've contacted some shops to see if they can fix it, but from what I can tell, it may be difficult to even get replacement parts since it's discontinued now (which is a bummer).
What is a wode?
It stand for Wii Optical Drive Emulator. Its a mini computer running linux that emulates the drive so you can back up and play your backups.
I have a synthesizer already, but its LCD screen seems to be
failing; I've contacted some shops to see if they can fix it, but
from what I can tell, it may be difficult to even get replacement
parts since it's discontinued now (which is a bummer).
Sounds like a cool project. Going to put any music on the Quantum Radio?
Are you a Retro collector? If you said no and still on a BBS thats awesome. What is your prized piece of your collection? Do you have any emulation projects? Do you release your work?
I make a customized Retro Pie image. I haven't yet.
Was considering it but its pretty huge for a Pi image. Compressed I
think its around 128G. You will need a 256G card to you it. I would
put it out there but not sure if any one would want it.
It looked like it also allows multi-player capability over the internet (though I had also seen other emulators that do that).
Are you a Retro collector? If you said no and still on a BBS thats awesome. What is your prized piece of your collection? Do you have any emulation projects? Do you release your work?
I don't have a TON of retro kit, but I do have a few 386/486 machines - and a dozen or so Thinkpads from the early 2000s. Since I just got
going, my fav piece of retro gear/collection is my trusty C=128. I have
an awesome machine that NUKE [another BBSer] went thru and cleaned up... really happy w/ the purchase and I think he still sells C= hardware on eBay.
I installed JiffyDOS ROMs and a switch for turning it on/off... I have an SD2EIC which lets me easily play with GBs of C= software... I have period-correct joysticks and just all the add-ons that one needs to intereact with retro machines - I particularly love dialing in to C=
BBSes using a WiFi Modem card; and I have this oversized Pelican case
that holds all the kit perfectly, with documentation on JiffyDos/C= commands and... stuff that I forget after not playing w/ the system in a few months.
Its a badass collection, and I can throw the huge pelican case in my
truck and be up and running at any retro get together in 15 minutes. :P Love my C= gear... yes, I'll be going after an Apple ][e at some point
and have my eyes on a NEW MSX/2 build that is calling my name.
Thats really neat - I love my PiBoy DMG and also play around w/ RetroPie builds, images and software in general. On 2o I've been releasing my
game saves w/ ROMs for some of my favorites ; its nice to grab a ZIP,
load the saves and be able to bounce around levels if I want...
I <3 the Pi for so much retro-emulation. I hope to get into MiSTeRs soon
- IMO thats the way to go, but like you the versatility of a Pi keeps me coming back...
Dude, I just started messing about w/ RetroArch network play... once you get it setup it just works and while that can be a little tough, I've
had success connecting all sorts of systems! I've done it all in-house, tho, not actually connected to someone across the country - but that
sure would be fun.
claw wrote to All <=-
Do you retro on the Pi?
Sometimes. I have a PI3 running a TRS-80 emulator in a 3d printed
TRS-80 Model I case.
Are you a Retro collector? If you said no and still on a BBS thats awesome. What is your prized piece of your collection? Do you have any emulation projects? Do you release your work?
I have been collecting since the 90s so I have a large collection. Highlights include:[...]
Commodore 128D
Commodore Amiga 3000
I have been collecting since the 90s so I have a large collection. Highlights include:
Atari Falcon
Atari ABC 386DXII (PC Compatible)
Atari ABC N386SX (PC Compatible Laptop)
Atari 800XE
Commodore Amiga 3000
Commodore PC20 (PC Compatible)
Commodore 286LT (PC Compatible Laptop)
Commodore SX-64
Commodore 128D
IBM 5120 (not PC Compatible)
TRS-80 Farm Computer (Stripped down CoCo that connected online for farm reports)
TRS-80 Model 12
TRS-80 Model 16
Panasonic JR-100
Those are a few I remember and the rarer units I have. Some point I will inventory everything.
I've been keeping a eye out for a C128D, but they always go for stupid prices... %-(
I've been keeping a eye out for a C128D, but they always go for stupid prices... %-(
There was a message on eab, about a kit for the Checkmate case, to take a A3000 mb.. The down side with shipping was going to be $750 AUD.... Just
a crazy thing for a case only....
Atari ABC 386DXII (PC Compatible)
On 19 May 2022, vorlon said the following...
I've been keeping a eye out for a C128D, but they always go
for stupid prices... %-(
Have you check out Raymond Computer? He has a pretty large storage
of Amiga/Commodore stuff. If I remember they were going for like
I've been keeping a eye out for a C128D, but they always go
for stupid prices... %-(
I picked up a couple large lots in the late 90s with a ton of
Commodore equipment. I actually have a few 128D's, SX-64s, and
more. 128's are beasts, I haven't run into a bad one yet. A bunch
of 64's with bad chips of course.
There was a message on eab, about a kit for the Checkmate
case, to take a A3000 mb.. The down side with shipping was
going to be $750 AUD.... Just a crazy thing for a case
I have looked at picking up a Checkmate case but I am more into
original unmodified devices. I know there is a big push enhancing
retro computers but I think that takes away the joy.
I'm not in the USA, but Australia. So shipping is one big issue, plus we operate on the PAL video standard. I can't remember if the C128 has
native support for both standards.
The Amiga 3000, has a jumpter to choose what standard to use.
Timing is eveything. I wish I'd never soled my supped up A2000, and kept it. But I could see the writing on the wall with C= going belly up.
Now twenty off years latter they are still going, with newut
hardware commin out.....
My Amiga 3000 is sitting on the shelf naked, so any case if original or a remake would be welcome. Just not with the crazy prices... %-(
Timing is eveything. I wish I'd never soled my supped up A2000, and kept it. But I could see the writing on the wall with C= going belly up.
Timing is eveything. I wish I'd never soled my supped up A2000, and k it. But I could see the writing on the wall with C= going belly up.
When I moved out with my then girlfriend/now wife, I left all my retro computers at my parents house in the basement. Come to find out afterwards, they sold it all on me without my knowledge which probably leads to some of my collecting addiction. Here is what I had.
TI-99/4a (first computer)
Atari 800XL & 1050 (paid for by myself before I had a job).
Commodore 64 & 1541 (bought said, working, was not so I had to get repaired) Amiga 1000
After that I bought a Packard Bell computer and ran a Wildcat BBS for a year or two off of it.
I'm not in the USA, but Australia. So shipping is one big
issue, plus we operate on the PAL video standard. I can't
remember if the C128 has native support for both standards.
The Amiga 3000, has a jumpter to choose what standard to use.
Hmmm That would put a damper on it. Can't you use the VGA adapter?
I know they make RCA to VGA adapter.
My Amiga 3000 is sitting on the shelf naked, so any case if
original or a remake would be welcome. Just not with the
crazy prices... %-(
Make your own case. Between 3D printing and a little wood work you
can make a case pretty easily.
When I moved out with my then girlfriend/now wife, I left all my
retro computers at my parents house in the basement. Come to find
out afterwards, they sold it all on me without my knowledge which
probably leads to some of my collecting addiction. Here is what I
Commodore 64 & 1541 (bought said, working, was not so I had to get
Amiga 1000
I'm using the VGA port on the A3000 that the scandoubler has it's output on. So most screens work. I've got as 19" LCD on it.
My skills in that area are not the best...... #-(
So it's a purchase one already made type of thing... #-/
Amiga 1000For some reason there are a number of them on Ebay AU right now.
I'm using the VGA port on the A3000 that the scandoubler has
it's output on. So most screens work. I've got as 19" LCD on
Then why would it matter if you get a US one? VGA is VGA.
Amiga 1000For some reason there are a number of them on Ebay AU right
Snap one up!. If you open the top cover of a 1000. All the
signatures of the designers are in side.
At the time I had to use that jumper, and a PAL C= 1084 screen! The LCD monitors I had around then (2006) didn't like the A3000's video output.
my C= 1084 died last year.
That is one of the reason's for liking the A3000, with it's built in scandoubler with vga out.
That is one of the reason's for liking the A3000, with it's
built in scandoubler with vga out.
Ponder... am I right in assuming its a 15Khz signal? There used to
be some scan rate doublers for.. the IIgs... it was a pretty simple
Yes those signal's are 15khz. I have a one of these:
Yes those signal's are 15khz. I have a one of these:
Interesting looking beast.. the thing I know is a lot simpler, it literally just does the synh pulse with TTL style plumbing. It
only has a handful of components and the example used a bit of vero
board for it.
Wow thats not an easy pill to swallow sorry man. Have you regained anything?
Nice. I have the 2000 and stupidly had a 2500 but switched jobs and left a bunch of stuff at my old house and that was a item. If only I had more roomCommodore 64 & 1541 (bought said, working, was not so I had to get
My first computer was a C64! I sold it latter when the Amiga 2000 was
out, and used the money towards that. $2000 AUD worth, with the int 3.5" drive and a external.
The 1000 is a nice machine. I picked up a Parceiro last year that gave theAmiga 1000
For some reason there are a number of them on Ebay AU right now.
When I moved out with my then girlfriend/now wife, I left all my retro computers at my parents house in the basement. Come to find out afterwards, they sold it all on me without my knowledge which probably leads to some of my collecting addiction. Here is what I had.
My first computer was a C64! I sold it latter when the Amiga
2000 was out, and used the money towards that. $2000 AUD
worth, with the int 3.5" drive and a external.
Nice. I have the 2000 and stupidly had a 2500 but switched jobs and
left a bunch of stuff at my old house and that was a item. If only
I had more room in my Uhaul.
Amiga 1000For some reason there are a number of them on Ebay AU right
The 1000 is a nice machine. I picked up a Parceiro last year that
gave the 1000 booting options from it with an SD slot and the
creator made it so you can boot OS 3.1 on it as well.
I wanted to get a A2000, as it had more expasion abilities. I added a GVP Combo card (33Mhz 68030 Accelerator, 20Mb SCSI HD, 2 or 4Mb of ram), ASDG Dual high speed sereial card.
A friend got a Amiga 1000, and then after seeing another with a Amiga
500. I knoew I wanted one, and was willing to save/spend more to get a bigger system.
I wanted to get a A2000, as it had more expasion abilities. I
added a GVP Combo card (33Mhz 68030 Accelerator, 20Mb SCSI HD,
2 or 4Mb of ram), ASDG Dual high speed sereial card.
A friend got a Amiga 1000, and then after seeing another with
a Amiga 500. I knoew I wanted one, and was willing to
save/spend more to get a bigger system.
I have a 1200 that is my price piece so I get it. I had 2 CD32s
but people that are collectors begged for them and since its
basically a 1200 with a CD I let them go. Had a SX1 for one of
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