BbsTN : String[30]; // BBS TELNET URL W/PORT ( ain.tld:23)
BbsSSH : String[30]; // BBS SSH URL W/PORT (bbs.domain.tld:2 )
Should there be specific fields mapped to only certain protocols like BbsTn & BbsSH?
If we want to consider the future and also take other protocols into consideration (like rlogin for example), would it be better to have a BbsURI1 & BbsURI2 and then specify the protocol in the data field?
BbsURI1 : String[40]; // FULL BBS URL W/PORT (telnet://bbs.domain.tld:23) BbsURI2 : String[40]; // FULL BBS URL W/PORT (rlogin://bbs.domain.tld:513)
Then if something new & snazzy comes out like SSH 3.0, the existing
fields can simply be updated with a new protocol (e.g. ssh3://blah) instead of having to add a new field down the road.
This would also reduce the risk of having a field that largely goes
unused in the future like the phone number field in the current nodelist.
It of course would add come complexity when parsing/compiling the file, for sure, but may save some headaches down the road.
Here is my first stab at opening conversation regarding data structure
and format for a new BBSINFO standard. This example would follow the
Fido standard of a flat file with one record per line, CR/LF terminated with comma delimiters and no spaces (using underscores instead). It
would differ from the Fido format in that there would be data length limits.
no limit on the identifiers? Is that what you're thinking? Any other identifiers you thinking about?
This conflates two things:
1. A text serialization of some structured data.
2. A binary format for a data structure representing that data.
For (2), specific record layouts are an implementation detail.
For a specification that is (presumably) implemented by many
different systems, there's no need to specify them; they will
vary by language and target system.
For (1), if you're already making a departure from the existing
nodelist format, then take the opportunity to use one of the
many existing structured text formats. JSON and its variants,
protocol buffers or a variant and their text serializations,
even XML would have significant advantages over an ersatz format.
In particular, they're all extensible and parsers exist for any
number of languages and environments.
In other words, what you really want to define isn't so much a
file format as a schema.
On 02 Jun 2020, stizzed said the following...
no limit on the identifiers? Is that what you're thinking? Any othe identifiers you thinking about?
Correct, no limit on protocol identifiers. It also might be worthwhile upping the character limit on those URI fields. If my domain name was, that's already 22 characters.
The only other identifier I can come up with off hand would be gopher,
but there may be more.
Perhaps we could eliminate the BbsWeb and just include 3 or 4 BbsURI fields, that way if someone accepts telnet, ssh & rlogin but they don't have a website, they could also advertise their gopher hole. (I think that's what they're called?)
think that adding all these web, rlogin, gopher and other protocols is gonna raise the hackles on some who just want to stick to the old bbs stuff the way it was...??
I think the point of this exercise is to change the way things are.
Since we're not using the nodelist, we get to come up with something new.
Since we can't know which combination of protocols people are using today or which protocols will be available in the future, maybe the most flexible method would be to give people 3 or 4 fields where they can be reached, and they can decide what goes into those fields.
Location : String[30]; // BBS LOCATION (City, State, Country
SysopName : String[30]; // SYSOP NAME (Johnny SysOp)
Phone : String[15]; // BBS PHONE NUMBER (888-555-1212)
BbsTN : String[30]; // BBS TELNET URL W/PORT (bbs.domain.:23)
BbsWeb : String[30]; // BBS WEBSITE URL
BbsSSH : String[30]; // BBS SSH URL
W/PORT (bbs.domain.tld:2 )
Nodes : String[3]; // TOTAL # OF
Make the lengh of the fields that are 30 char longer. If your going
to list the website url for example, 30 characters will run out
very quickly.
I don't think an arbitary length should be set at all.
I think making a document that looks like a nodelist but isn't a node
list is a really bad idea, it might make it easier to port code that
reads a nodelist, but it makes it harder for any other purpose.
I agree with everything that apam wrote.
--- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.11-beta (linux; x64; 12.13.1)NuSkooler
Xibalba BBS @ / 44510(telnet) 44511(ssh)
ENiGMA 1/2 BBS WHQ | Phenom | 67 | iMPURE | ACiDic
Here is my first stab at opening conversation regarding data structure
and format for a new BBSINFO standard. This example would follow the
Net : Integer; // BBS NET NUMBER
Node : Integer; // BBS NODE NUMBER
BbsName : String[30]; // BBS NAME (My New BBS)
Location : String[30]; // BBS LOCATION (City, State, Country
SysopName : String[30]; // SYSOP NAME (Johnny SysOp)
Phone : String[15]; // BBS PHONE NUMBER (888-555-1212)
BbsTN : String[30]; // BBS TELNET URL W/PORT ( ain.tld:23)
BbsSSH : String[30]; // BBS SSH URL W/PORT (bbs.domain.tld:2 )
BbsWeb : String[30]; // BBS WEBSITE URL (www.bbs.domain.tld)
Software : String[20]; // BBS SOFTWARE (Mystic v1.12 a45)
Verified : LongInt; // DATE INFO WAS VERIFIED
LognType : Byte; // LOGIN TYPE (1=realname/2=handle/3=choic )
cType : Byte; // BBS TYPE (1=dialup/2=telnet/3=both
A note on record lengths: It is advisable to limit record lengths (something Fido wanted to do but by the time they considered implementation the nodelist was t too large to be considered feasible). Remember, in many cases we are working with 80 column displays so field limits will be important to providing aesthetically pleasing display
from applications.
Thanks for putting this forward. :)
I'm going to comment on the fields first as opposed to how they could be captured, their specs etc.
Net : Integer; // BBS NET NUMBER
Node : Integer; // BBS NODE NUMBER
Have you considered Zone? I'm just wondering if it would be necessary to capture that for anything, granted there are a number of zones in use in FTN land and a BBS could be a member of several. Perhaps all the more reason to capture the info?
BbsName : String[30]; // BBS NAME (My New BBS)
Location : String[30]; // BBS LOCATION (City, State, Country
SysopName : String[30]; // SYSOP NAME (Johnny SysOp)
all things I would expect to see, mirrors the key info in a nodelist really.
Phone : String[15]; // BBS PHONE NUMBER (888-555-1212)
I guess, but phone is going the way of the dinosaur. I guess if this is all about trying to provide as much info on a system that *may* offer
this connectivity then I agree keep it on the list.
BbsTN : String[30]; // BBS TELNET URL W/PORT ( ain.tld:23
BbsSSH : String[30]; // BBS SSH URL W/PORT (bbs.domain.tld:2 )
I wonder if there are other protocols worth capturing? Does for example TOR count?
BbsWeb : String[30]; // BBS WEBSITE URL (www.bbs.domain.tld)
Not of interest to me but could be to some I guess...
Software : String[20]; // BBS SOFTWARE (Mystic v1.12 a45)
I don't understand that one
Verified : LongInt; // DATE INFO WAS VERIFIED
I guess this speaks to some external checking system right?
LognType : Byte; // LOGIN TYPE (1=realname/2=handle/3=choic
cType : Byte; // BBS TYPE (1=dialup/2=telnet/3=both
If we have telnet and say phone number defined would we need BBS TYPE?
Not sure if LOGIN TYPE is needed, but yeah can see how some would want to state that.
How about something for Networks carried?
Perhaps something for times available if it was say only running weeknights and weekends?
Perhaps something to capture some info about the theme of the BBS or assign a number of tags to capture some high level categorization of the BBS
Something to denote Country
Something to capture languages available on the system e.g. English and Spanish echos
Something that could (a bit like the verified tag) show days uptime /
last heard from..
Perhaps if the system could report number of callers per day something to capture that, calls per week, per month, year ... most active day, most inactive day of the week.
Just some rando ideas :)
A note on record lengths: It is advisable to limit record lengths (something Fido wanted to do but by the time they considered implementation the nodelist was t too large to be considered feasible Remember, in many cases we are working with 80 column displays so fie limits will be important to providing aesthetically pleasing display from applications.
I think as to how the data could be stored, the format etc. I also
thought of something like a JSON format that is extensible (and I'm not
an active user of this data format) but my hunch is it would be more useful to contemporary coders as a way of getting data in/out of this file.
To the suggestions of using DNS, yes I also see merit, but I would like
to suggest we try to find a way where we don't depend solely on DNS as
the solution if we were to apply something being worked on as a file format / data base to DNS.
Good in my view to have more than one way to get at the data or modify
I do like a decentralized approach and wonder aloud how correct data
entry of records by those contributing could be for want of a better
word policed such that duff or incomplete data was not accepted in any given data field?
If we did use DNS records (and again I am showing my lack of knowledge here) could software
1) scrape a nodelist
2) parse that to DNS text etc records
3) allow people via web admin form/portal to add of amend perhaps not the actual zone file records up front, but edit what the contents of some of the TXT fields would be using some kind of online form?
That software could generate some agreed nightly JSON or similar file
that could be peered between a number of systems like a daily master nodelist and used by devs as another source of data for applications to pull info from.
I'm just trying to figure out how data however it is rendered and stored is best updated and by whom and how as time goes by?
So many questions :)
This is fun.
Sysop: | altere |
Location: | Houston, TX |
Users: | 68 |
Nodes: | 4 (0 / 4) |
Uptime: | 07:24:57 |
Calls: | 954 |
Files: | 7,955 |
Messages: | 297,076 |