Every Sunday night I sit on the sofa down here in the basement, turn
the lights down, put on the headphones and sit around and listen to a
disc or two. Tonight was 'The Stone Roses' from 1989. A perfect album
after a day of fighting a bunch of software from the early 90s. :D
Music for me is always secondary to doing something else, being on the computer, playing games, driving or whatever. I don't usually sit down
to listen to music as a primary activity unless I'm going to a concert.
*** Quoting Nigel Reed to Thom Miller dated 04-10-23 ***I've got 3500 CDs to sell...how many you want? :)
Music for me is always secondary to doing something else, being on
the computer, playing games, driving or whatever. I don't usually
sit down to listen to music as a primary activity unless I'm going
to a concert.
That's been me for the last few decades, but I started
're-collecting' CDs ìjust a little bit before the pandemic hit, and
have really been making a ìconcerted effort to take the time to be an active, rather than a passive ìlistener. I also listen to a lot of
music when I'm doing other stuff, too, ìthough.
* Origin: WalledCTTY (21:2/145)
I've got 3500 CDs to sell...how many you want? :)
Nigel Reed wrote to Thom Miller <=-
On Sun, 9 Apr 2023 21:08:39 +0000
"Thom Miller" (21:2/145) <Thom.Miller@f145.n2.z21.fidonet> wrote:
Music for me is always secondary to doing something else, being on the computer, playing games, driving or whatever. I don't usually sit down
to listen to music as a primary activity unless I'm going to a concert.
I bought their album from 1994 called Second Coming.
Thom Miller wrote to All <=-
Every Sunday night I sit on the sofa down here in the basement, turn
the lights down, put on the headphones and sit around and listen to a
disc or two. Tonight was 'The Stone Roses' from 1989. A perfect album after a day of fighting a bunch of software from the early 90s. :D
Thom Miller wrote to Nigel Reed <=-
That's been me for the last few decades, but I started 're-collecting'
CDs just a little bit before the pandemic hit, and have really been
making a concerted effort to take the time to be an active, rather
than a passive listener. I also listen to a lot of music when I'm
doing other stuff, too, though.
Blue White wrote to Nigel Reed <=-
That is how it has become for me in recent years. In the not so
distant past, I would listen to it as a more primary activity and play
a Pink Floyd album all the way through, or some Miles Davis or big band or, if I was feeling more lively, maybe Herb Alpert & the Tijuana
Brass. :)
I would like to get back to a point where I feel like doing that.
This sounds like some of my favorite music memories. 1982, laying on my waterbed (!), can headphones on, listening to Moving Pictures by Rush. Lights down low, just high enough to be able to flip the LP over after "Limelight".
I wonder if buying music defined the way we like music. My kids stream music, and listen to a variety of artists. If I ask them who the artist is, I'll usually get a *shrug*, unless it's an artist who's they know
from a video or social network.
When I was a kid, finding out about an artist was a task - reading the liner notes, checking out the music mags, hanging at the record store
and talking to the people who worked there, saving up for that album, looking for the back catalog - I think that search made it more profound than having all the music and information at your fingertips.
This sounds like some of my favorite music memories. 1982, laying on my waterbed (!), can headphones on, listening to Moving Pictures by Rush.
Lights down low, just high enough to be able to flip the LP over after "Limelight".
I wonder if buying music defined the way we like music. My kids stream
music, and listen to a variety of artists. If I ask them who the artist
is, I'll usually get a *shrug*, unless it's an artist who's they know
from a video or social network.
My wife and I talk about this a lot. Our relationship with music is much
My wife and I talk about this a lot. Our relationship with music is much
For me the definitive Rush album is-and-always-has-been 'Signals'.
My wife and I talk about this a lot. Our relationship with music is much deeper than our daughters. She has a playlist of music, most of it
I'm curious what editor you're using to write your messages? In your replies, almost every line of your reply (except the first) starts with an accented 'i' character, and I wonder where that might be coming from.
replies, almost every line of your reply (except the first) starts
with an accented 'i' character, and I wonder where that might be
coming from.
Isn't that a hard word-wrap character?
..When the main character explains that his music
collection is sorted autobiographically, I could relate.
Ogg wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
..When the main character explains that his music
collection is sorted autobiographically, I could relate.
Doesn't that just mean "alphabetical order by artist"?
The movie (and the book) "High Fidelity" really resonated with me. When
the main character explains that his music collection is sorted autobiographically, I could relate.
I'm curious what editor you're using? In all your replies, most of the
text lines of your reply (except the first one) start with an accented
'i' character, which seems to be ASCII 141 (0x8D in hex). I'm
wondering if that might be some kind of line wrapping marker or
something (since it seems to be at the start of eeach line starting
with line 2 - at least on my 80-column terminal).
I'm curious what editor you're using? In all your replies, most of the
Doesn't that just mean "alphabetical order by artist"?
I'm curious what editor you're using? In all your replies, most of
This message was created using the built-in T.A.G. line editor. Are you seeing the same character on this message as well?
*** Quoting Nightfox to Abbub dated 04-11-23 ***
I'm curious what editor you're using? In all your replies, most of the
This message was created using the built-in T.A.G. line editor. Are you seeing the same character on this message as well?
* Origin: WalledCTTY (21:2/145)
collection is sorted autobiographically, I could relate.
Doesn't that just mean "alphabetical order by artist"?
Dick: Not alphabetical...
Rob: Nope...
Dick: What?
Rob: Autobiographical.
Dick: No fucking way.
Rob: Yep. Let me tell ya how I got from Deep Purple to Howlin' Wolf in just 25 moods. And, if I want to find the song "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac, I have to remember that I bought it for someone in the Fall of 1983 pile - but, didn't give it to them for personal reasons.
Abbub wrote to Poindexter Fortran <=-
This sounds like some of my favorite music memories. 1982, laying on my waterbed (!), can headphones on, listening to Moving Pictures by Rush. Lights down low, just high enough to be able to flip the LP over after "Limelight".
For me the definitive Rush album is-and-always-has-been 'Signals'. Subdivisions in particular evokes memories and feelings in me that are
so old and deep they almost hurt. Though as a bassist, I pretty much celebrate their entire catalog.
Subdivisions was always my jam, too. I saw them in concert on the Roll
Bones tour. I was so stoked when Subdivisions started... the friends I
Every Sunday night I sit on the sofa down here in the
basement, turn the lights down, put on the headphones and
sit around and listen to a disc or two. Tonight was 'The
Stone Roses' from 1989. A perfect album after a day of
fighting a bunch of software from the early 90s. :D
Ogg wrote to Thom Miller <=-
There are simply some performances, especially some live
recordings or concept albums, that are best experienced with
total focus and attention upon the material, perhaps in a dimly
lit room, and no distractions from start to finish.
There are simply some performances, especially some live
recordings or concept albums, that are best experienced with
total focus and attention upon the material, perhaps in a dimly
lit room, and no distractions from start to finish.
Rush's "Moving Pictures", listened to in my dimly lit high-school
bedroom, with KOSS over-ear headphones. On Vinyl.
Rush's "Moving Pictures", listened to in my dimly lit high-school bedroom, with KOSS over-ear headphones. On Vinyl.
I was a relatively early adopter of compact discs. My main 'music store' purchases in the late 80s would be one or two new discs and then a pack of cassettes to copy the one or two discs my buddies would have bought. This
Even these days, I don't stream music very often.. That may be because I'm just not very familiar with what music is new these days. What I
have heard, usually I don't really get into it. I have my collection of music ripped to FLAC and MP3s, and I have my MP3s on my devices, which I can play at any time.
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