Does SSTV count as ham radio?????
PS: My first time here! :)
Does SSTV count as ham radio?????
Does SSTV count as ham radio?????
PS: My first time here! :)
On 03-12-20 11:19, TNT wrote to All <=-
Does SSTV count as ham radio?????
PS: My first time here! :)
On 03-13-20 08:52, Avon wrote to TNT <=-
On 12 Mar 2020 at 11:19a, TNT pondered and said...
Does SSTV count as ham radio?????
PS: My first time here! :)
Hi :)
I wish there was more of this mode in New Zealand
I think there's a few in ZL3 doing it here.
Does SSTV count as ham radio?????If you're sending/receiving it on the ham bands, sure it does. (It's one of my favourite modes.)
I've done SSTV on and off. A lot of fun. :)
On 03-12-20 17:34, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
I've done SSTV on and off. A lot of fun. :)
Got anything you can point me to to take a look at it?
Have thought for years of getting a loop from MFJ...but have never had
the money to do so. Used to know someone who had 1 & have some of the stuff to make one. Was given the variable cap to do it from an old
radio. You or anyone use one of these & would they work in an
On 03-12-20 17:29, Phoobar wrote to echicken <=-
Doing RTTY escapes me on how to do it...but would love to do so. favs are JT-65. Never had the chance to do FT-8...but would love to do so.
I've done SSTV on and off. A lot of fun. :)What are you after exactly?
Got anything you can point me to to take a look at it?
Magnetic loops can be very effective, but you need to use a good
conductor (like copper tubing) and a high quality variable cap with wide plate spacing, because of the extreme voltages across it (thousands of volts of RF, even with modest power). And using one indoors can work.
Doing RTTY escapes me on how to do it...but would love to do so.RTTY is straightforward these days, use a computer, like the other
digital modes. Multimon-NG is a good option for most of the digital modes. You can get it for Windows or Linux, and it just needs the
common soundcard interfaces to work. favs are JT-65. Never had the chance to do FT-8...but would love to do so.I had a bit of fun on JT65 years ago, haven't tried FT-8 yet.
Have thought for years of getting a loop from MFJ...but have never had the money to do so. Used to know someone who had 1 & have some of the stuff to make one. Was given the variable cap to do it from an old radio. You or anyone use one of these & would they work in an apartment?
On 03-13-20 07:26, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
I've done SSTV on and off. A lot of fun. :)What are you after exactly?
Got anything you can point me to to take a look at it?
How to do it. Much of the stuff I see mentions what you can do...but
not how to do it.
Magnetic loops can be very effective, but you need to use a good
conductor (like copper tubing) and a high quality variable cap with wide plate spacing, because of the extreme voltages across it (thousands of volts of RF, even with modest power). And using one indoors can work.
Have some time off this will get on eham & such to see if
I can find me a used one.
On 03-13-20 07:29, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Doing RTTY escapes me on how to do it...but would love to do so.RTTY is straightforward these days, use a computer, like the other
digital modes. Multimon-NG is a good option for most of the digital modes. You can get it for Windows or Linux, and it just needs the
common soundcard interfaces to work.
Got everything you mentioned. Even had another Ham show me what he does with it...but when I tried it...nothing at all no matter the software I was using.
Even reached Cuba from Idaho years ago with JT-65. Heard/read FT-8 does
a shorter more contacts can be made in the static.
If you're already setup for computer based digital modes, then it's simple. Just find a suitable SSTV package for your OS. For Windows,
If you're not setup for soundcard based digital modes, you can use your favourite search engine to look up how to setup for digital modes, to
get the hardware setup first.
Good luck. :)
I've had contacts with the US on 40m, at least 2 hours before sunset
using JT65A on a very simple and inefficient antenna with 10-20W.
Pretty impressive stuff. :)
On 03-14-20 16:58, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
If you're already setup for computer based digital modes, then it's simple. Just find a suitable SSTV package for your OS. For Windows,
Used FLDIGI in the past for Windows & on the Pi. Great for general modes...but haven't used it in it would be a learning curve
to get it set up the way I like.
Good luck. :)
No such thing as luck...just math. ;)
May just run the end-fed along the wall in the living room...since no stays in there..except on the way to the kitchen. ;)
On 03-14-20 17:01, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
I've had contacts with the US on 40m, at least 2 hours before sunset
using JT65A on a very simple and inefficient antenna with 10-20W.
Pretty impressive stuff. :)
Furthest contact I made was around the same time with a SuperAntenna
with a station on PSK31 in Alice Springs in a penthouse room on the 3rd floor.
modes...but haven't used it in it would be a learning curv to get it set up the way I like.So you have the soundcard hardware/interface setup?
No such thing as luck...just math. ;)As long as it's not meth. ;)
May just run the end-fed along the wall in the living room...since no stays in there..except on the way to the kitchen. ;)Haha OK. :)
using JT65A on a very simple and inefficient antenna with 10-20W. Pretty impressive stuff. :)I used to regularly contact South American stations on PSK-31 on 20m
using a mobile whip in a valley. :)
On 03-15-20 22:45, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Oh yeah! Tried a cheap brand early on...but it blew out my decent
speakers I loved...then went to the Signalink USB...which I love.
No such thing as luck...just math. ;)As long as it's not meth. ;)
With some Americans...they can't tell an "A" from an "E" either. ;)
May just run the end-fed along the wall in the living room...since no stays in there..except on the way to the kitchen. ;)Haha OK. :)
Might as well put a plate next to the wire & let it cook my dinner. ;)
On 03-15-20 22:49, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
The SuperAntenna works great with long enough legs...but hate having to adjust it when I switch bands on the stick. On the other LDG
Z100 tuner will adjust a utility pole to a 1:1 match. ;)
If only I could get away with it & the fence were closer to my window
to run out a long wire...would hook up the fence & tune it up. If it worked a hell of a 1.8M antenna.
With some Americans...they can't tell an "A" from an "E" either. ;)Haha :D
Might as well put a plate next to the wire & let it cook my dinner. ;Well you wouldn't need a light switch, just install some fluro lights where convenient, no electricals needed. :D
The SuperAntenna works great with long enough legs...but hate having adjust it when I switch bands on the stick. On the other LDSounds like some sort of remote control/auto tuning is needed. :)
If only I could get away with it & the fence were closer to my window to run out a long wire...would hook up the fence & tune it up. If it worked a hell of a 1.8M antenna.Nice. :)
The SuperAntenna works great with long enough legs...but hate having to
adjust it when I switch bands on the stick. On the other LDG
Sounds like some sort of remote control/auto tuning is needed. :)
On 03-16-20 11:20, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Whenever you see one of those stupid red hats like this..."Meke Emarice Graet Egein" know it's a true American.
Used to go help the engineer at a 100K W FM station. You walk in the building & the lights were turned on. Seeing the look on my face...the engineer told me not to be worried about glowing in the dark for a
On 03-16-20 11:24, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
The SuperAntenna works great with long enough legs...but hate having adjust it when I switch bands on the stick. On the other LDSounds like some sort of remote control/auto tuning is needed. :)
They used to sell one...but saw a new one for a little more than the
MFJ Loop.
Read a story years ago that a guy in Germany parked along the main drag
in the middle of nowhere & wired up a safety rail. Going back around
100 years when they would use bed springs as well.
On 03-16-20 14:42, echicken wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Sounds like some sort of remote control/auto tuning is needed. :)
If I'm remembering the SuperAntenna correctly, tuning involves tapping
a coil at various spots using a lead with an alligator clip. A remote tuning mechanism
would probably be a reinvention of the screwdriver antenna (something like a brush on a linear actuator).
Whenever you see one of those stupid red hats like this..."Meke Emari Graet Egein" know it's a true American.I think you left out a word... "redneck". :D
Haha, I've done the fluro tube trick. Can even work with a standard CB. Doesn't take much power, though the more power you have, the further
away from the transmitter the tube will work. :)
Sounds like some sort of remote control/auto tuning is needed. :)One what?
They used to sell one...but saw a new one for a little more than the MFJ Loop.
100 years when they would use bed springs as well.Yeah I've heard of those tricks. There's even people who have loaded up
a tree as an antenna. :)
would probably be a reinvention of the screwdriver antenna (somethin like a brush on a linear actuator).I don't know the antenna, but you may be right there, this is starting
to sound similar to a screwdriver.
On 03-17-20 00:46, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
It's more than "rednecks". I see morons who should know better
following the OPOS because they're delusional what they hope for others won't happen to them.
Haha, I've done the fluro tube trick. Can even work with a standard CB. Doesn't take much power, though the more power you have, the further
away from the transmitter the tube will work. :)
Just caught me off guard to see it happening.
On 03-17-20 00:49, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Sounds like some sort of remote control/auto tuning is needed. :)One what?
They used to sell one...but saw a new one for a little more than the MFJ Loop.
One of these as a screwdriver.
Looks like I may have been smarter than I should've been a couple of
years ago. Actually started looking into crystal radios & bought all
the parts to make several. Got the parts put away in a box...but it
might not be a bad idea to make a cheap set.
On 03-17-20 00:53, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Here's the link to look at it. I've got the MP1. Might have to load it
up & put it behind the front door to see if it does any good.
Haha I pulled that stunt on my sisters once. Sent them into the
backyard one night, just under the antenna and then started speaking
into the mic on HF SSB. A flashing light gets even more attention. :D
the parts to make several. Got the parts put away in a box...but it might not be a bad idea to make a cheap set.The main emergency stations here are on FM. A crystal set won't help. :/
On 03-17-20 08:39, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Haha I pulled that stunt on my sisters once. Sent them into the
backyard one night, just under the antenna and then started speaking
into the mic on HF SSB. A flashing light gets even more attention. :D
Ah...the use of shiny/lighted things. Always works on me.
On 03-17-20 08:42, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
the parts to make several. Got the parts put away in a box...but it might not be a bad idea to make a cheap set.The main emergency stations here are on FM. A crystal set won't help. :/
Not sure how radio developed there...but here...the FCC put into their regs clear channel AM stations. That's why many local AM's either
reduce power or sign off at dusk. The reasoning is in the event of a national emergency...these stations would be able to broadcast from a central location from a major metro area like Chicago or NYC.
into the mic on HF SSB. A flashing light gets even more attention. :DThink they work for everyone. :)
Ah...the use of shiny/lighted things. Always works on me.
Here, there's a mix. ABC Local in Melbourne is a high powered AM
station on 774 kHz, but ABC Local here is on FM, as is the community emergency roadcaster.
On 03-18-20 19:57, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
into the mic on HF SSB. A flashing light gets even more attention. :DThink they work for everyone. :)
Ah...the use of shiny/lighted things. Always works on me.
Lasers work with cats...but shiny things for humans.
On 03-18-20 19:59, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Here, there's a mix. ABC Local in Melbourne is a high powered AM
station on 774 kHz, but ABC Local here is on FM, as is the community emergency roadcaster.
Hate to say I'm ignorant of the programming of ABC. Is it like the networks/public broadcasting here in the States where they use
translators to retransmit the programming or just play the same stuff
at a different time?
Hmm, translators - these days, I suspect the technology used is
different. And translators vs different time sounds like an apples (distribution) and oranges (scheduling) comparison. So I can't answer, because on those grounds, the question doesn't make sense. :/
On 03-19-20 14:01, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Hmm, translators - these days, I suspect the technology used is
different. And translators vs different time sounds like an apples (distribution) and oranges (scheduling) comparison. So I can't answer, because on those grounds, the question doesn't make sense. :/
They use them like crazy out here in the West. Many times...they are on top of mountains & low power. The 6 stations I worked at before leaving the business had several of them to give cover for our whole coverage area...even 100 miles away into Las Vegas.
You didn't answer my question. Please clarify - distribution vs scheduling?
On 03-20-20 01:42, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
You didn't answer my question. Please clarify - distribution vs scheduling?
The translators distribute the signal in a limited area using low
power. Many times if a local station is a part of a larger
network...they may preempt local programming in favor of the network
And conflating those two confuses the issue significantly. Here, "translators" are very specific transmitters, which receive the main signal and rebroadcast it to a specific area. Translators are used as infill transmitters. But they don't have any ability to add/change content, they simply translate to another frequency for that infill coverage.
However, in Australia, there are a relatively small number of major networks - the metropolitin networks that are in the capital cities, and The regional networks modify content again, sometimes having a separate local news bulletin (my local stations do this, as I'm in a regional area), but there is still a lot of nationally consistent programming.
On 03-20-20 13:38, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Many of them are the same thing here...but some do have the ability to insert local content by the use of tones...such as spots/programs they would have on tape/computer.
Same thing here...but some do change the nationally generated
programming. You will see this in places where you have fringe elements who keep throwing fits over what goes off the tower. For
instance...used to get complaints on Trojan condoms from idiots who believe someone should face punishment for having sex. Another from the distant past is liquor spots which would need to preempted from the
stream by state law.
The problem here in the states is with groups with unpopular views (religious & otherwise) with big mouths. Heaven forbid someone might be having fun someplace...they can't have that.
insert local content by the use of tones...such as spots/programs the would have on tape/computer.I'm not aware of any translators with that capability here.
We don't get that so much here, though your religious nutters keep
trying to import their hateful crap here, and too many politicians
listen to them. :/
On 03-20-20 17:52, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Used to have a crew there during certain hours to do this...but with better computer/equipment...they just let a PC do it.
We don't get that so much here, though your religious nutters keep
trying to import their hateful crap here, and too many politicians
listen to them. :/
From 20 years in the business...if you can get them to pay...consider yourself lucky. Just hope they don't change the rules to let them in
even more than right now...petition your broadcasters to keep them out
if they come around.
Used to have a crew there during certain hours to do this...but with better computer/equipment...they just let a PC do it.Like everything else these days - computer automation has made things easier. )
There's also the matter of complaints. We actually don't have constitutionally guaranteed free speech here, it's implied, which means most of the time, people live and let live, but if something serious happens, like hate speech, it can be shut down.
Australis is rather odd in there's periodic discuaaion about whether we should have a Bill of Rights, but it's never been voted on in a referendum.
On 03-20-20 23:53, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Like everything else these days - computer automation has made things easier. )
There's also the matter of complaints. We actually don't have constitutionally guaranteed free speech here, it's implied, which means most of the time, people live and let live, but if something serious happens, like hate speech, it can be shut down.
REALLY! What's the situation in the rest of the Commonwealth?
Australis is rather odd in there's periodic discuaaion about whether we should have a Bill of Rights, but it's never been voted on in a referendum.
The last or one of the last Amendments to the US Constitution took
around 200 years to get passed. Now...the Equal Rights Amendment has passed 38 states...but Congress put a deadline of the late 70's to pass it. 200 years about paying Congress is no issue...but another one which actually passed has always had a big fit thrown...especially after the fundies started getting their panties in a wad that everyone would supposedly be equal. (Not going any further on this...since we both support this & some among us won't be happy.)
Like everything else these days - computer automation has made things easier. )I left IT because embedded processors became powerful enough to be included into cheap routers, which made a lot of my skill base somewhat redundant. The 90s were a time of building a lot of things by hand for smaller businesses - routers, firewalls, etc.
I think most Commonwealth countries have some sort of Bill of Rights, but Australia hasn't gone down that road so far. With all the crap over
here about the religious freedom legislation (more properly known as "religious discrimination..."). It is my hope that everyone can be manouvered into supporting a Billof Rights, which would solve that
problem once and for all. Anyway, we have at least Canadians in here, so
fundies started getting their panties in a wad that everyone would supposedly be equal. (Not going any further on this...since we both support this & some among us won't be happy.)Yeah the fundies get they knickers in a knot over such issues here too.
On 03-21-20 08:56, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Like everything else these days - computer automation has made things easier. )I left IT because embedded processors became powerful enough to be included into cheap routers, which made a lot of my skill base somewhat redundant. The 90s were a time of building a lot of things by hand for smaller businesses - routers, firewalls, etc.
It was a good time for what it was. About 10 years later...broadcasting with cheap satellite would do the same thing there.
I think most Commonwealth countries have some sort of Bill of Rights, but
Thought so about the other countries. No matter what happens...people
are still going to be pissed off about something they wanted...but
didn't get.
Yeah the fundies get they knickers in a knot over such issues here too.
If they're anything like they are here...they won't be happy until
their leaders come with kneepads to make themselves happy for their
flock to use.
It was a good time for what it was. About 10 years later...broadcasti with cheap satellite would do the same thing there.Yes, some of those transitional times were great, before big business
came in with better packaged solutions that moved jobs away from clever, innovative people.
are still going to be pissed off about something they wanted...but didn't get.Yep, that will always be an issue, but as long as the greater human
rights principles are upheld, it's all good.
Yes, and governments need to stop listening to them. They don't
represent the majority, or even a significant minority here.
On 03-22-20 08:48, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Saw some of it being that many rural stations were using Joe Jim Bob...because there wasn't anyone else who could do it. With always have professional sounding talent & production...other than the local stuff.
Eventually...we're going to see that happening here in America...the
same as has happened in Europe & such. One good thing I see happening
is because of the OPOS & the evangelicals selling their soul to the devil...churches are losing/dying out more and more every year.
Content and production? That's got nothing to do with the subject of working in IT...
Well churches are empty here now, but that's because of the coronavirus.
Some churces are moving with the times culturally, others still have to catch up.
On 03-23-20 23:17, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Content and production? That's got nothing to do with the subject of working in IT...
For modern better know electronics & computers. Gotta
keep the systems running. Personally...I would be looking for someone
with Linux skills more than Windows.
Well churches are empty here now, but that's because of the coronavirus.
On some respects...especially here...that's a good thing for
evangelicals. They might eventually be able to pull their heads out of their backsides.
Some churces are moving with the times culturally, others still have to catch up.
Did some work with an online church years ago which were way ahead of
the curve. On the other hands...your local knee pad sales offices which pose as churches are going to go kicking & screaming.
the curve. On the other hands...your local knee pad sales offices whi pose as churches are going to go kicking & screaming.Some of the churches and mosques here are adapting, doing things like services and prayer over streaming video. One church setup drive
through confession, with the usual social distance measures.
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