• RE: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress

    From Antoniorico@Tnabbs.Org@1:124/5013 to All on Fri Jan 20 10:12:57 2023
    Newsgroups: wclistserve.win.server
    Received: by winserver.com (Wildcat! SMTP Router v7.0.454.6)
    for WINServer@winserver.com; Mon, 31 Dec 2018 17:17:01 -0500 Authentication-Results: dkim.winserver.com;
    dkim=fail (DKIM_SELECTOR_DNS_PERM_FAILURE) header.d=tnabbs.org header.s=turbo-smtp header.i=tnabbs.org;
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    by winserver.com (Wildcat! SMTP v7.0.454.6) with ESMTP
    id 996552484.1.1776; Mon, 31 Dec 2018 17:17:00 -0500
    DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
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    h=Received:Received:X-TurboSMTP-Tracking:From:To:References:In-Reply-To:Subject :Date:Message-ID:MIME-Version:Content-Type:X-Mailer:Thread-Index:Content-Langua ge;
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    From: "Antonio Rico" <antoniorico@tnabbs.org>
    To: <WINServer@winserver.com>
    References: <5C2A4D58.2000908@winserver.com>
    In-Reply-To: <5C2A4D58.2000908@winserver.com>
    Subject: RE: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress
    Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 17:16:37 -0500
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    Content-Language: en-us


    Will this be included in the CD Update for 454.6

    From: listadmin-winserver@winserver.com [mailto:listadmin-winserver@winserver.com] On Behalf Of Hector Santos
    Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 12:10 PM
    To: list-fidonet@winserver.com; winserver list
    Subject: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress

    Hi Folks,

    With the new 2019 year coming, there are an old 1990s things I decided to resurrect -- Platinum Xpress!!

    PX/WIN was updated and what this means so far at this point is; PX/WIN was compiled using the latest wcSDK headers and a new setup utility (INNO) was used with offers 32/64bit support. This means the new PX/WIN 7.0 setup/CD will work on modern OSes, unlike the PX/WIN 2.0 Setup/CD which only worked on 32 bit
    machines. We never did have a PX/WIN 3.0 Setup/CD. You first installed 2.0 via the CD and then upgraded to 3.0 using the BBS online product update patches
    and zip files.

    We are giving this new PX/WIN a version 7.0 build 454.6 to make it align with Wildcat!. If you are interested in refreshing your PX/WIN installation and given it a whirl, please contact me off list.

    No deep testing has been done. Nothing "Fido" related has been tested, i.e. imports/exports, attachments, etc. I am using, testing and playing with PXTOOLS Sysop Editor now that I have PX/WIN v7.0 installed on my 64 bit Windows
    7 home machine. It all seems to work but I am only using PXTOOLS Sysop Editor, testing email and sending/receiving LONG FILE NAME (LFN) attachments.
    Overall, LFN vs SFN related stuff needs to be tested and reviewed since LFN/SFN is really the only difference between the older WCSDK headers used for PX/WIN 4.0 and the current WCSDK headers used for PX/WIN 7.0.

    I should note that the following:

    o Still has the old *.HLP (help) files. I can't find the help source files to recompile as *.CHM help files. Maybe there is a HLP file decompiler like there is for CHM files.

    o The same exact PX/WIN 2.0 CD installed fidonet related files were used for installation, that means the old mail/file echo, backhone files were provided.
    The installation will not overwrite any existing subfolder files if you upgrade on top of your current PXW folder. In fact, the following are the files that are part of the new setup/installation:

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 103936 | default\abookapi.dll
    - 2018/12/30 21:28:01 | 3702 | default\areafix.txt
    - 1991/05/30 08:37:52 | 99940 | default\arj.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 61440 | default\bbsdlgs.dll
    - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 181743 | default\docs\fidohubs.txt
    - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\docs\fidomsg.txt
    - 1997/02/07 11:31:14 | 17582 | default\docs\gamenet.txt
    - 1997/02/27 19:59:32 | 1666 | default\docs\install.txt
    - 1997/02/27 20:03:04 | 1715 | default\docs\license.txt
    - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 75962 | default\docs\policy4.txt
    - 1998/05/08 18:14:32 | 5799 | default\docs\pxnet.txt
    - 1996/12/24 03:06:54 | 3256 | default\docs\pxusrban.txt
    - 2018/12/30 14:32:02 | 2089 | default\docs\readme.txt
    - 1996/10/08 18:40:46 | 2392 | default\docs\wcerrors.txt
    - 2000/02/12 18:41:36 | 2725 | default\docs\website.htm
    - 2018/12/28 15:16:05 | 5397 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg-src.zip
    - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.txt
    - 1997/07/11 15:43:46 | 3552 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.wcx
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\fidomsg\pxnl.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\fidomsg\pxsrv.dll
    - 2018/12/30 21:28:15 | 3173 | default\filefix.txt
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 62464 | default\holdapi.dll
    - 1991/02/24 21:11:18 | 33951 | default\lha.exe
    - 1998/07/06 01:38:30 | 35140 | default\nano\backbone.na
    - 1998/06/24 04:29:16 | 4328 | default\nano\backbone.no
    - 1998/06/22 03:29:00 | 117057 | default\nano\filebone.na
    - 1998/06/22 03:28:02 | 11130 | default\nano\filebone.no
    - 1995/12/12 07:36:16 | 116 | default\nano\pxfnet.na
    - 2018/12/28 14:00:11 | 263 | default\nano\pxmnet.na
    - 1997/02/05 21:54:08 | 50121 | default\nodelist\xnetlist.038
    - 1990/10/08 02:51:00 | 106236 | default\pak.exe
    - 2002/07/13 08:16:07 | 258048 | default\pkzip.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 28672 | default\pxbmark.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 44544 | default\pxcid.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 42496 | default\pxcmd.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 699904 | default\pxconfig.exe
    - 1998/07/20 04:28:34 | 319322 | default\pxconfig.hlp
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 26112 | default\pxdlgs.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:54 | 477696 | default\pxecho.exe
    - 1997/02/12 05:28:00 | 49378 | default\pxecho.hlp
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 166400 | default\pxfix.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 101376 | default\pxhatch.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 60416 | default\pxmagic.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 307712 | default\pxmail.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 170496 | default\pxnet.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\pxnl.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 188416 | default\pxnlist.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 582144 | default\pxonline.exe
    - 1997/02/12 05:28:26 | 46885 | default\pxonline.hlp
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 122880 | default\pxrepair.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 60416 | default\pxretmsg.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 17408 | default\pxscript.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 74240 | default\pxsend.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 550400 | default\pxsetup.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:50 | 19968 | default\pxspell.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\pxsrv.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 74240 | default\pxstart.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 56832 | default\pxtaglib.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 201216 | default\pxtic.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 50176 | default\pxticapi.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:55 | 504832 | default\pxtools.exe
    - 2005/05/06 13:46:42 | 70405 | default\pxtools.hlp
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 18432 | default\pxusered.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 187392 | default\pxutils.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 102912 | default\sdm2wc.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 16896 | default\ssutil.dll
    - 1998/07/21 19:54:10 | 1617 | default\system\admin.in_
    - 1998/05/09 15:45:22 | 237 | default\system\ann.tpl
    - 1996/10/30 05:28:14 | 41946 | default\system\backbone.na
    - 1996/10/30 05:27:46 | 3326 | default\system\backbone.no
    - 1998/03/21 04:09:52 | 190 | default\system\fann.tpl
    - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 63716 | default\system\filebone.na
    - 1994/08/19 12:49:24 | 21646 | default\system\filebone.no
    - 1998/06/17 01:16:52 | 1067 | default\system\fnotify.tpl
    - 1996/12/07 14:11:42 | 1453 | default\system\freqresp.tpl
    - 1996/11/30 05:26:00 | 14641 | default\system\ftscprod.dat
    - 1998/06/17 01:17:02 | 931 | default\system\mnotify.tpl
    - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.dat
    - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.def
    - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 4032 | default\system\pxdsecf.dat
    - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 231 | default\system\pxdsecv.dat
    - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxfnet.dat
    - 1995/12/12 06:36:16 | 116 | default\system\pxfnet.na
    - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxmnet.dat
    - 1996/10/07 12:55:18 | 263 | default\system\pxmnet.na
    - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 72 | default\system\pxorigin.txt
    - 1998/06/30 19:10:18 | 941 | default\system\pxzone.txt
    - 1998/06/17 01:15:08 | 256 | default\system\tann.tpl
    - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 113152 | default\unzip.exe
    - 1997/10/23 02:02:00 | 1287088 | default\vcl30.dpl
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 93184 | default\viewfat.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 62464 | default\viewnet.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 70656 | default\viewout.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 65536 | default\viewpoll.exe
    - 2018/12/30 14:28:05 | 76288 | default\wcfront.dll
    - 2018/11/13 22:41:02 | 238080 | default\wcsrv2.dll
    - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 112128 | default\zip.exe

    # Total Files : 97
    # Total Size : 9139872

    Some of the plans are:

    o Making PX/WIN part of the AUP,
    o Make sure the LFN/SFN is addressed where applicable,
    o Enhancing the PXTOOLS Sysop Editor to better support RFC5322, Mime Mail,
    o Extending the concepts of PX/WIN File/Mail Bone for a Wildcat! distributed network. i.e. PX/NET.

    Thanks for your long time support and have a great new year!

    Hector, Engineering & Technical Support
    Santronics Software, Inc.
    http://www.santronics.com (sales)
    http://www.winserver.com (support)
    http://www.winserver.com/AupInfo (Online AUP Help)
    Office: 305-248-3204

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)
  • From Robert.Wolfe@Robertwolfe.Org@1:124/5013 to All on Fri Jan 20 10:12:57 2023
    Newsgroups: wclistserve.win.server
    Received: by winserver.com (Wildcat! SMTP Router v7.0.454.6)
    for winserver@winserver.com; Mon, 31 Dec 2018 17:43:58 -0500 Authentication-Results: dkim.winserver.com;
    dkim=pass header.d=robertwolfe-org.20150623.gappssmtp.com header.s=20150623 header.i=robertwolfe-org.20150623.gappssmtp.com;
    Received: from mail-it1-f174.google.com ([])
    by winserver.com (Wildcat! SMTP v7.0.454.6) with ESMTP
    id 998169466.1.2740; Mon, 31 Dec 2018 17:43:57 -0500
    Received: by mail-it1-f174.google.com with SMTP id h193so35016146ita.5
    for <winserver@winserver.com>; Mon, 31 Dec 2018 14:43:45 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
    d=robertwolfe-org.20150623.gappssmtp.com; s=20150623;
    X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
    d=1e100.net; s=20161025;
    X-Gm-Message-State: AA+aEWZ5LPCY2O+PX/AdTE+1kMQWVD/cmu0WCh/japnot2tjeVw/lwIg
    X-Google-Smtp-Source: AFSGD/VBcDegAI8lm8h5cDWeDuBYHdymTIIRwE5vcmbA/jlE+NKVjOYIX0ARYgw/Cw83jmBnHS9igw= =
    X-Received: by 2002:a24:db02:: with SMTP id c2mr26113232itg.137.1546296224106;
    Mon, 31 Dec 2018 14:43:44 -0800 (PST)
    Return-Path: <robert.wolfe@robertwolfe.org>
    Received: from ?IPv6:2607:fb90:3826:d2c4:1905:4b4e:7dcb:9d34? ([2607:fb90:3826:d2c4:1905:4b4e:7dcb:9d34])
    by smtp.gmail.com with ESMTPSA id 195sm19123452itm.2.2018.
    (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128);
    Mon, 31 Dec 2018 14:43:43 -0800 (PST)
    Message-ID: <5c2a9b9f.1c69fb81.fc84b.e13b@mx.google.com>
    SavedFromEmail: robert.wolfe@robertwolfe.org
    Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 16:43:39 -0600
    Subject: Re: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress
    In-Reply-To: <5C2A4D58.2000908@winserver.com>
    Importance: normal
    From: "robert.wolfe" <robert.wolfe@robertwolfe.org>
    To: WINServer@winserver.com, list-fidonet@winserver.com, winserver list
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="--_com.samsung.android.email_2100622497469550"

    How much for this update? Since i run WINSnet, and move a lot of mail daily, Id
    love to help deep test the new version.��

    Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
    -------- Original message --------From: Hector Santos <winserver.support@winserver.com> Date: 12/31/18 11:09 AM (GMT-06:00) To: list-fidonet@winserver.com, winserver list <winserver@winserver.com> Subject: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress

    Hi Folks,��

    With the new 2019 year coming, there are an old 1990s things I
    decided to resurrect -- Platinum Xpress!!��

    PX/WIN was updated and what this means so far at this point is;��
    PX/WIN was compiled using the latest wcSDK headers�� and a new setup
    utility (INNO) was used with offers 32/64bit support. This means the
    new PX/WIN 7.0 setup/CD will work on modern OSes, unlike the PX/WIN
    2.0 Setup/CD which only worked on 32 bit machines.���� We never did
    have a PX/WIN 3.0 Setup/CD.�� You first installed 2.0 via the CD and
    then upgraded to 3.0 using the BBS online product update patches and
    zip files.

    We are giving this new PX/WIN a version 7.0 build 454.6 to make it
    align with Wildcat!.���� If you are interested in refreshing your
    PX/WIN installation and given it a whirl,�� please contact me off

    No deep testing has been done.�� Nothing "Fido" related has been
    tested, i.e. imports/exports, attachments, etc.���� I am using,
    testing and playing with PXTOOLS Sysop Editor now that I have PX/WIN
    v7.0 installed on my 64 bit Windows 7 home machine.���� It all seems
    to work but I am only using PXTOOLS Sysop Editor, testing email and
    sending/receiving LONG FILE NAME (LFN) attachments.������ Overall, LFN
    vs SFN related stuff needs to be tested and reviewed since LFN/SFN
    is really the only difference between the older WCSDK headers used
    for PX/WIN 4.0 and the current WCSDK headers used for PX/WIN 7.0.

    I should note that the following:

    o Still has the old *.HLP (help) files.�� I can't find the help
    source files to recompile as *.CHM help files.�� Maybe there is a��
    HLP file decompiler like there is for CHM files.

    o The same exact PX/WIN 2.0 CD installed fidonet related files were
    used for installation, that means the old mail/file echo, backhone
    files were provided.�� The installation will not overwrite any
    existing subfolder files if you upgrade on top of your current PXW
    folder.�� In fact, the following are the files that are part of the
    new setup/installation:

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52
    |���� 103936 | default\abookapi.dll

    - 2018/12/30 21:28:01 |�������� 3702 | default\areafix.txt

    - 1991/05/30 08:37:52 |������ 99940 | default\arj.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 |������ 61440 | default\bbsdlgs.dll

    - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 |���� 181743 | default\docs\fidohubs.txt

    - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 |�������� 1647 | default\docs\fidomsg.txt

    - 1997/02/07 11:31:14 |������ 17582 | default\docs\gamenet.txt

    - 1997/02/27 19:59:32 |�������� 1666 | default\docs\install.txt

    - 1997/02/27 20:03:04 |�������� 1715 | default\docs\license.txt

    - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 |������ 75962 | default\docs\policy4.txt

    - 1998/05/08 18:14:32 |�������� 5799 | default\docs\pxnet.txt

    - 1996/12/24 03:06:54 |�������� 3256 | default\docs\pxusrban.txt

    - 2018/12/30 14:32:02 |�������� 2089 | default\docs\readme.txt

    - 1996/10/08 18:40:46 |�������� 2392 | default\docs\wcerrors.txt

    - 2000/02/12 18:41:36 |�������� 2725 | default\docs\website.htm

    - 2018/12/28 15:16:05 |�������� 5397 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg-src.zip

    - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 |�������� 1647 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.txt

    - 1997/07/11 15:43:46 |�������� 3552 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.wcx

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 |������ 55296 | default\fidomsg\pxnl.dll

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 |������ 25088 | default\fidomsg\pxsrv.dll

    - 2018/12/30 21:28:15 |�������� 3173 | default\filefix.txt

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 |������ 62464 | default\holdapi.dll

    - 1991/02/24 21:11:18 |������ 33951 | default\lha.exe

    - 1998/07/06 01:38:30 |������ 35140 | default\nano\backbone.na

    - 1998/06/24 04:29:16 |�������� 4328 | default\nano\backbone.no

    - 1998/06/22 03:29:00 |���� 117057 | default\nano\filebone.na

    - 1998/06/22 03:28:02 |������ 11130 | default\nano\filebone.no

    - 1995/12/12 07:36:16 |���������� 116 | default\nano\pxfnet.na

    - 2018/12/28 14:00:11 |���������� 263 | default\nano\pxmnet.na

    - 1997/02/05 21:54:08 |������ 50121 | default\nodelist\xnetlist.038

    - 1990/10/08 02:51:00 |���� 106236 | default\pak.exe

    - 2002/07/13 08:16:07 |���� 258048 | default\pkzip.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 |������ 28672 | default\pxbmark.dll

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 |������ 44544 | default\pxcid.dll

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 |������ 42496 | default\pxcmd.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 |���� 699904 | default\pxconfig.exe

    - 1998/07/20 04:28:34 |���� 319322 | default\pxconfig.hlp

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 |������ 26112 | default\pxdlgs.dll

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:54 |���� 477696 | default\pxecho.exe

    - 1997/02/12 05:28:00 |������ 49378 | default\pxecho.hlp

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 |���� 166400 | default\pxfix.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 |���� 101376 | default\pxhatch.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 |������ 60416 | default\pxmagic.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 |���� 307712 | default\pxmail.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 |���� 170496 | default\pxnet.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 |������ 55296 | default\pxnl.dll

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 |���� 188416 | default\pxnlist.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 |���� 582144 | default\pxonline.exe

    - 1997/02/12 05:28:26 |������ 46885 | default\pxonline.hlp

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 |���� 122880 | default\pxrepair.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 |������ 60416 | default\pxretmsg.dll

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 |������ 17408 | default\pxscript.dll

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 |������ 74240 | default\pxsend.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 |���� 550400 | default\pxsetup.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:50 |������ 19968 | default\pxspell.dll

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 |������ 25088 | default\pxsrv.dll

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 |������ 74240 | default\pxstart.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 |������ 56832 | default\pxtaglib.dll

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 |���� 201216 | default\pxtic.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 |������ 50176 | default\pxticapi.dll

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:55 |���� 504832 | default\pxtools.exe

    - 2005/05/06 13:46:42 |������ 70405 | default\pxtools.hlp

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 |������ 18432 | default\pxusered.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 |���� 187392 | default\pxutils.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 |���� 102912 | default\sdm2wc.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 |������ 16896 | default\ssutil.dll

    - 1998/07/21 19:54:10 |�������� 1617 | default\system\admin.in_

    - 1998/05/09 15:45:22 |���������� 237 | default\system\ann.tpl

    - 1996/10/30 05:28:14 |������ 41946 | default\system\backbone.na

    - 1996/10/30 05:27:46 |�������� 3326 | default\system\backbone.no

    - 1998/03/21 04:09:52 |���������� 190 | default\system\fann.tpl

    - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 |������ 63716 | default\system\filebone.na

    - 1994/08/19 12:49:24 |������ 21646 | default\system\filebone.no

    - 1998/06/17 01:16:52 |�������� 1067 | default\system\fnotify.tpl

    - 1996/12/07 14:11:42 |�������� 1453 | default\system\freqresp.tpl

    - 1996/11/30 05:26:00 |������ 14641 | default\system\ftscprod.dat

    - 1998/06/17 01:17:02 |���������� 931 | default\system\mnotify.tpl

    - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 |�������� 1390 | default\system\pxarch.dat

    - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 |�������� 1390 | default\system\pxarch.def

    - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 |�������� 4032 | default\system\pxdsecf.dat

    - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 |���������� 231 | default\system\pxdsecv.dat

    - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 |�������� 1118 | default\system\pxfnet.dat

    - 1995/12/12 06:36:16 |���������� 116 | default\system\pxfnet.na

    - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 |�������� 1118 | default\system\pxmnet.dat

    - 1996/10/07 12:55:18 |���������� 263 | default\system\pxmnet.na

    - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 |������������ 72 | default\system\pxorigin.txt

    - 1998/06/30 19:10:18 |���������� 941 | default\system\pxzone.txt

    - 1998/06/17 01:15:08 |���������� 256 | default\system\tann.tpl

    - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 |���� 113152 | default\unzip.exe

    - 1997/10/23 02:02:00 |�� 1287088 | default\vcl30.dpl

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 |������ 93184 | default\viewfat.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 |������ 62464 | default\viewnet.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 |������ 70656 | default\viewout.exe

    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 |������ 65536 | default\viewpoll.exe

    - 2018/12/30 14:28:05 |������ 76288 | default\wcfront.dll

    - 2018/11/13 22:41:02 |���� 238080 | default\wcsrv2.dll

    - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 |���� 112128 | default\zip.exe

    # Total Files���������� : 97

    # Total Size������������ : 9139872

    Some of the plans are:

    o Making PX/WIN part of the AUP,

    o Make sure the LFN/SFN is addressed where applicable,

    o Enhancing the PXTOOLS Sysop Editor to better support RFC5322, Mime

    o Extending the concepts of PX/WIN File/Mail Bone for a Wildcat!
    distributed network. i.e. PX/NET.

    Thanks for your long time support and have a great new year!

    Hector, Engineering & Technical Support
    Santronics Software, Inc.
    http://www.santronics.com (sales)
    http://www.winserver.com (support)
    http://www.winserver.com/AupInfo (Online AUP Help)
    Office: 305-248-3204

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)
  • From Robert.Wolfe@Winserver.Org@1:124/5013 to All on Fri Jan 20 10:12:57 2023
    Newsgroups: wclistserve.win.server
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    id 1033965580.1.1564; Tue, 01 Jan 2019 03:40:33 -0500
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    id 10753W Tue, 01 Jan 2019 02:40:36 -0600
    Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2019 02:40:35 -0600
    From: robert.wolfe@winserver.org
    Subject: RE: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress
    In-Reply-To: <1546294730@winserver.org>
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    X-Wildcat-Message-Id: <1546332035.0.1546294730@winserver.org>

    On Dec 31, 2018 04:16pm, WINServer@winserver.com wrote to ROBERT WOLFE:

    Will this be included in the CD Update for 454.6

    I would assume no, since this is a separate product from WINserver itself.
    But, I may be wrong about this.

    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)
  • From Lee.Green@Techware2K.Com@1:124/5013 to All on Fri Jan 20 10:12:57 2023
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    Subject: Re: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress
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    PXUTILS.EXE is in the PXW root folder.

    When you run the program it says:
    ! Missing help file: PXUTILS.TXT
    which it is I've never been able to run it, I haven't tried the new one yet.

    On 1/1/2019 12:41 AM, robert.wolfe@winserver.org wrote:
    Why since it would probably be best when run from the command line. And
    do you see PXUTILS.EXE at?

    On Dec 31, 2018 05:18pm, WINServer@winserver.com wrote to ROBERT WOLFE:

    > pxutils.txt is missing from the install CD.

    > A GUI version of pxutils.exe is welcomed.

    > _____

    > From: listadmin-winserver@winserver.com
    > [mailto:listadmin-winserver@winserver.com] On Behalf Of Hector Santos
    > Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 12:10 PM
    > To: list-fidonet@winserver.com; winserver list
    > Subject: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress

    > Hi Folks,

    > With the new 2019 year coming, there are an old 1990s things I decided to
    > resurrect -- Platinum Xpress!!

    > PX/WIN was updated and what this means so far at this point is; PX/WIN
    > was compiled using the latest wcSDK headers and a new setup utility
    > (INNO) was used with offers 32/64bit support. This means the new PX/WIN
    > 7.0 setup/CD will work on modern OSes, unlike the PX/WIN 2.0 Setup/CD
    > which only worked on 32 bit machines. We never did have a PX/WIN 3.0
    > Setup/CD. You first installed 2.0 via the CD and then upgraded to 3.0
    > using the BBS online product update patches and zip files.

    > We are giving this new PX/WIN a version 7.0 build 454.6 to make it align
    > with Wildcat!. If you are interested in refreshing your PX/WIN
    > installation and given it a whirl, please contact me off list.

    > No deep testing has been done. Nothing "Fido" related has been tested,
    > i.e. imports/exports, attachments, etc. I am using, testing and playing
    > with PXTOOLS Sysop Editor now that I have PX/WIN v7.0 installed on my 64
    > bit Windows 7 home machine. It all seems to work but I am only using
    > PXTOOLS Sysop Editor, testing email and sending/receiving LONG FILE NAME
    > (LFN) attachments. Overall, LFN vs SFN related stuff needs to be
    > tested and reviewed since LFN/SFN is really the only difference between
    > the older WCSDK headers used for PX/WIN 4.0 and the current WCSDK headers
    > used for PX/WIN 7.0.

    > I should note that the following:

    > o Still has the old *.HLP (help) files. I can't find the help source
    > files to recompile as *.CHM help files. Maybe there is a HLP file
    > decompiler like there is for CHM files.

    > o The same exact PX/WIN 2.0 CD installed fidonet related files were used
    > for installation, that means the old mail/file echo, backhone files were
    > provided. The installation will not overwrite any existing subfolder
    > files if you upgrade on top of your current PXW folder. In fact, the
    > following are the files that are part of the new setup/installation:

    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 103936 | default\abookapi.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 21:28:01 | 3702 | default\areafix.txt
    > - 1991/05/30 08:37:52 | 99940 | default\arj.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 61440 | default\bbsdlgs.dll
    > - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 181743 | default\docs\fidohubs.txt
    > - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\docs\fidomsg.txt
    > - 1997/02/07 11:31:14 | 17582 | default\docs\gamenet.txt
    > - 1997/02/27 19:59:32 | 1666 | default\docs\install.txt
    > - 1997/02/27 20:03:04 | 1715 | default\docs\license.txt
    > - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 75962 | default\docs\policy4.txt
    > - 1998/05/08 18:14:32 | 5799 | default\docs\pxnet.txt
    > - 1996/12/24 03:06:54 | 3256 | default\docs\pxusrban.txt
    > - 2018/12/30 14:32:02 | 2089 | default\docs\readme.txt
    > - 1996/10/08 18:40:46 | 2392 | default\docs\wcerrors.txt
    > - 2000/02/12 18:41:36 | 2725 | default\docs\website.htm
    > - 2018/12/28 15:16:05 | 5397 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg-src.zip
    > - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.txt
    > - 1997/07/11 15:43:46 | 3552 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.wcx
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\fidomsg\pxnl.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\fidomsg\pxsrv.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 21:28:15 | 3173 | default\filefix.txt
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 62464 | default\holdapi.dll
    > - 1991/02/24 21:11:18 | 33951 | default\lha.exe
    > - 1998/07/06 01:38:30 | 35140 | default\nano\backbone.na
    > - 1998/06/24 04:29:16 | 4328 | default\nano\backbone.no
    > - 1998/06/22 03:29:00 | 117057 | default\nano\filebone.na
    > - 1998/06/22 03:28:02 | 11130 | default\nano\filebone.no
    > - 1995/12/12 07:36:16 | 116 | default\nano\pxfnet.na
    > - 2018/12/28 14:00:11 | 263 | default\nano\pxmnet.na
    > - 1997/02/05 21:54:08 | 50121 | default\nodelist\xnetlist.038
    > - 1990/10/08 02:51:00 | 106236 | default\pak.exe
    > - 2002/07/13 08:16:07 | 258048 | default\pkzip.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 28672 | default\pxbmark.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 44544 | default\pxcid.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 42496 | default\pxcmd.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 699904 | default\pxconfig.exe
    > - 1998/07/20 04:28:34 | 319322 | default\pxconfig.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 26112 | default\pxdlgs.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:54 | 477696 | default\pxecho.exe
    > - 1997/02/12 05:28:00 | 49378 | default\pxecho.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 166400 | default\pxfix.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 101376 | default\pxhatch.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 60416 | default\pxmagic.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 307712 | default\pxmail.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 170496 | default\pxnet.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\pxnl.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 188416 | default\pxnlist.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 582144 | default\pxonline.exe
    > - 1997/02/12 05:28:26 | 46885 | default\pxonline.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 122880 | default\pxrepair.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 60416 | default\pxretmsg.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 17408 | default\pxscript.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 74240 | default\pxsend.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 550400 | default\pxsetup.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:50 | 19968 | default\pxspell.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\pxsrv.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 74240 | default\pxstart.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 56832 | default\pxtaglib.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 201216 | default\pxtic.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 50176 | default\pxticapi.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:55 | 504832 | default\pxtools.exe
    > - 2005/05/06 13:46:42 | 70405 | default\pxtools.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 18432 | default\pxusered.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 187392 | default\pxutils.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 102912 | default\sdm2wc.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 16896 | default\ssutil.dll
    > - 1998/07/21 19:54:10 | 1617 | default\system\admin.in_
    > - 1998/05/09 15:45:22 | 237 | default\system\ann.tpl
    > - 1996/10/30 05:28:14 | 41946 | default\system\backbone.na
    > - 1996/10/30 05:27:46 | 3326 | default\system\backbone.no
    > - 1998/03/21 04:09:52 | 190 | default\system\fann.tpl
    > - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 63716 | default\system\filebone.na
    > - 1994/08/19 12:49:24 | 21646 | default\system\filebone.no
    > - 1998/06/17 01:16:52 | 1067 | default\system\fnotify.tpl
    > - 1996/12/07 14:11:42 | 1453 | default\system\freqresp.tpl
    > - 1996/11/30 05:26:00 | 14641 | default\system\ftscprod.dat
    > - 1998/06/17 01:17:02 | 931 | default\system\mnotify.tpl
    > - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.dat
    > - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.def
    > - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 4032 | default\system\pxdsecf.dat
    > - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 231 | default\system\pxdsecv.dat
    > - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxfnet.dat
    > - 1995/12/12 06:36:16 | 116 | default\system\pxfnet.na
    > - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxmnet.dat
    > - 1996/10/07 12:55:18 | 263 | default\system\pxmnet.na
    > - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 72 | default\system\pxorigin.txt
    > - 1998/06/30 19:10:18 | 941 | default\system\pxzone.txt
    > - 1998/06/17 01:15:08 | 256 | default\system\tann.tpl
    > - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 113152 | default\unzip.exe
    > - 1997/10/23 02:02:00 | 1287088 | default\vcl30.dpl
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 93184 | default\viewfat.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 62464 | default\viewnet.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 70656 | default\viewout.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 65536 | default\viewpoll.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 14:28:05 | 76288 | default\wcfront.dll
    > - 2018/11/13 22:41:02 | 238080 | default\wcsrv2.dll
    > - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 112128 | default\zip.exe

    > # Total Files : 97
    > # Total Size : 9139872

    > Some of the plans are:

    > o Making PX/WIN part of the AUP,
    > o Make sure the LFN/SFN is addressed where applicable,
    > o Enhancing the PXTOOLS Sysop Editor to better support RFC5322, Mime
    > o Extending the concepts of PX/WIN File/Mail Bone for a Wildcat!
    > distributed network. i.e. PX/NET.

    > Thanks for your long time support and have a great new year!

    > --

    > Hector, Engineering & Technical Support

    > Santronics Software, Inc.

    > http://www.santronics.com (sales)

    > http://www.winserver.com (support)

    > http://www.winserver.com/AupInfo (Online AUP Help)

    > Office: 305-248-3204
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    > To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with

    > UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.

    > To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com

    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    > UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    > To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)
  • From Rdfigueroa@Gmail.Com@1:124/5013 to All on Fri Jan 20 10:12:57 2023
    Newsgroups: wclistserve.win.server
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    id 1078535502.1.2580; Tue, 01 Jan 2019 16:03:24 -0500
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    d=gmail.com; s=20161025;
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    (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128);
    Tue, 01 Jan 2019 13:03:21 -0800 (PST)
    From: "Ruben Figueroa, RDFIG Computer Solutions" <rdfigueroa@gmail.com>
    To: <WINServer@winserver.com>
    References: <5C2A4D58.2000908@winserver.com>
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    Subject: RE: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress
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    Yep, I would be interested in that also.

    Ruben D. Figueroa, Owner

    RDFIG Computer Solutions

    Email Support: rdfigsupport@rdfig.net <mailto:rdfigsupport@rdfig.net>

    General Support: rdfigueroa@gmail.com <mailto:rdfigueroa@gmail.com>

    Cell Phone : (972) 839-9551

    Web Location : http:// www.rdfig.net <http://www.rdfig.net/>

    From: listadmin-winserver@winserver.com <listadmin-winserver@winserver.com> On Behalf Of Hector Santos
    Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 11:10 AM
    To: list-fidonet@winserver.com; winserver list <winserver@winserver.com> Subject: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress

    Hi Folks,

    With the new 2019 year coming, there are an old 1990s things I decided to resurrect -- Platinum Xpress!!

    PX/WIN was updated and what this means so far at this point is; PX/WIN was compiled using the latest wcSDK headers and a new setup utility (INNO) was used with offers 32/64bit support. This means the new PX/WIN 7.0 setup/CD will work on modern OSes, unlike the PX/WIN 2.0 Setup/CD which only worked on 32 bit
    machines. We never did have a PX/WIN 3.0 Setup/CD. You first installed 2.0 via the CD and then upgraded to 3.0 using the BBS online product update patches
    and zip files.

    We are giving this new PX/WIN a version 7.0 build 454.6 to make it align with Wildcat!. If you are interested in refreshing your PX/WIN installation and given it a whirl, please contact me off list.

    No deep testing has been done. Nothing "Fido" related has been tested, i.e. imports/exports, attachments, etc. I am using, testing and playing with PXTOOLS Sysop Editor now that I have PX/WIN v7.0 installed on my 64 bit Windows
    7 home machine. It all seems to work but I am only using PXTOOLS Sysop Editor, testing email and sending/receiving LONG FILE NAME (LFN) attachments.
    Overall, LFN vs SFN related stuff needs to be tested and reviewed since LFN/SFN is really the only difference between the older WCSDK headers used for PX/WIN 4.0 and the current WCSDK headers used for PX/WIN 7.0.

    I should note that the following:

    o Still has the old *.HLP (help) files. I can't find the help source files to recompile as *.CHM help files. Maybe there is a HLP file decompiler like there is for CHM files.

    o The same exact PX/WIN 2.0 CD installed fidonet related files were used for installation, that means the old mail/file echo, backhone files were provided.
    The installation will not overwrite any existing subfolder files if you upgrade on top of your current PXW folder. In fact, the following are the files that are part of the new setup/installation:

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 103936 | default\abookapi.dll
    - 2018/12/30 21:28:01 | 3702 | default\areafix.txt
    - 1991/05/30 08:37:52 | 99940 | default\arj.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 61440 | default\bbsdlgs.dll
    - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 181743 | default\docs\fidohubs.txt
    - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\docs\fidomsg.txt
    - 1997/02/07 11:31:14 | 17582 | default\docs\gamenet.txt
    - 1997/02/27 19:59:32 | 1666 | default\docs\install.txt
    - 1997/02/27 20:03:04 | 1715 | default\docs\license.txt
    - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 75962 | default\docs\policy4.txt
    - 1998/05/08 18:14:32 | 5799 | default\docs\pxnet.txt
    - 1996/12/24 03:06:54 | 3256 | default\docs\pxusrban.txt
    - 2018/12/30 14:32:02 | 2089 | default\docs\readme.txt
    - 1996/10/08 18:40:46 | 2392 | default\docs\wcerrors.txt
    - 2000/02/12 18:41:36 | 2725 | default\docs\website.htm
    - 2018/12/28 15:16:05 | 5397 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg-src.zip
    - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.txt
    - 1997/07/11 15:43:46 | 3552 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.wcx
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\fidomsg\pxnl.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\fidomsg\pxsrv.dll
    - 2018/12/30 21:28:15 | 3173 | default\filefix.txt
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 62464 | default\holdapi.dll
    - 1991/02/24 21:11:18 | 33951 | default\lha.exe
    - 1998/07/06 01:38:30 | 35140 | default\nano\backbone.na
    - 1998/06/24 04:29:16 | 4328 | default\nano\backbone.no
    - 1998/06/22 03:29:00 | 117057 | default\nano\filebone.na
    - 1998/06/22 03:28:02 | 11130 | default\nano\filebone.no
    - 1995/12/12 07:36:16 | 116 | default\nano\pxfnet.na
    - 2018/12/28 14:00:11 | 263 | default\nano\pxmnet.na
    - 1997/02/05 21:54:08 | 50121 | default\nodelist\xnetlist.038
    - 1990/10/08 02:51:00 | 106236 | default\pak.exe
    - 2002/07/13 08:16:07 | 258048 | default\pkzip.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 28672 | default\pxbmark.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 44544 | default\pxcid.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 42496 | default\pxcmd.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 699904 | default\pxconfig.exe
    - 1998/07/20 04:28:34 | 319322 | default\pxconfig.hlp
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 26112 | default\pxdlgs.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:54 | 477696 | default\pxecho.exe
    - 1997/02/12 05:28:00 | 49378 | default\pxecho.hlp
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 166400 | default\pxfix.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 101376 | default\pxhatch.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 60416 | default\pxmagic.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 307712 | default\pxmail.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 170496 | default\pxnet.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\pxnl.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 188416 | default\pxnlist.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 582144 | default\pxonline.exe
    - 1997/02/12 05:28:26 | 46885 | default\pxonline.hlp
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 122880 | default\pxrepair.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 60416 | default\pxretmsg.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 17408 | default\pxscript.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 74240 | default\pxsend.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 550400 | default\pxsetup.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:50 | 19968 | default\pxspell.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\pxsrv.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 74240 | default\pxstart.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 56832 | default\pxtaglib.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 201216 | default\pxtic.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 50176 | default\pxticapi.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:55 | 504832 | default\pxtools.exe
    - 2005/05/06 13:46:42 | 70405 | default\pxtools.hlp
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 18432 | default\pxusered.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 187392 | default\pxutils.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 102912 | default\sdm2wc.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 16896 | default\ssutil.dll
    - 1998/07/21 19:54:10 | 1617 | default\system\admin.in_
    - 1998/05/09 15:45:22 | 237 | default\system\ann.tpl
    - 1996/10/30 05:28:14 | 41946 | default\system\backbone.na
    - 1996/10/30 05:27:46 | 3326 | default\system\backbone.no
    - 1998/03/21 04:09:52 | 190 | default\system\fann.tpl
    - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 63716 | default\system\filebone.na
    - 1994/08/19 12:49:24 | 21646 | default\system\filebone.no
    - 1998/06/17 01:16:52 | 1067 | default\system\fnotify.tpl
    - 1996/12/07 14:11:42 | 1453 | default\system\freqresp.tpl
    - 1996/11/30 05:26:00 | 14641 | default\system\ftscprod.dat
    - 1998/06/17 01:17:02 | 931 | default\system\mnotify.tpl
    - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.dat
    - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.def
    - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 4032 | default\system\pxdsecf.dat
    - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 231 | default\system\pxdsecv.dat
    - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxfnet.dat
    - 1995/12/12 06:36:16 | 116 | default\system\pxfnet.na
    - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxmnet.dat
    - 1996/10/07 12:55:18 | 263 | default\system\pxmnet.na
    - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 72 | default\system\pxorigin.txt
    - 1998/06/30 19:10:18 | 941 | default\system\pxzone.txt
    - 1998/06/17 01:15:08 | 256 | default\system\tann.tpl
    - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 113152 | default\unzip.exe
    - 1997/10/23 02:02:00 | 1287088 | default\vcl30.dpl
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 93184 | default\viewfat.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 62464 | default\viewnet.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 70656 | default\viewout.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 65536 | default\viewpoll.exe
    - 2018/12/30 14:28:05 | 76288 | default\wcfront.dll
    - 2018/11/13 22:41:02 | 238080 | default\wcsrv2.dll
    - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 112128 | default\zip.exe

    # Total Files : 97
    # Total Size : 9139872

    Some of the plans are:

    o Making PX/WIN part of the AUP,
    o Make sure the LFN/SFN is addressed where applicable,
    o Enhancing the PXTOOLS Sysop Editor to better support RFC5322, Mime Mail,
    o Extending the concepts of PX/WIN File/Mail Bone for a Wildcat! distributed network. i.e. PX/NET.

    Thanks for your long time support and have a great new year!

    Hector, Engineering & Technical Support
    Santronics Software, Inc.
    http://www.santronics.com (sales)
    http://www.winserver.com (support)
    http://www.winserver.com/AupInfo (Online AUP Help)
    Office: 305-248-3204

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com <mailto:wclistserve@winserver.com> with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com <mailto:ListAdmin@winserver.com> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)
  • From Winserver.Support@Winserver.Com@1:124/5013 to All on Fri Jan 20 10:12:58 2023
    Newsgroups: wclistserve.win.server
    Received: by winserver.com (Wildcat! SMTP Router v7.0.454.6)
    for WINServer@winserver.com; Tue, 01 Jan 2019 19:00:28 -0500 Received: from [] ([])
    by winserver.com (Wildcat! SMTP v7.0.454.6) with ESMTP
    id 1089158499.1.2372; Tue, 01 Jan 2019 19:00:27 -0500
    Message-ID: <5C2BFF1E.5090506@winserver.com>
    Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2019 19:00:30 -0500
    From: Hector Santos <winserver.support@winserver.com>
    Organization: Santronics Software, Inc
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.8.1
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    To: WINServer@winserver.com
    Subject: Re: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress
    References: <1546332087@winserver.org> <d9b60df0-bb3a-21b1-94df-2e808a70b0c3@techware2k.com>
    In-Reply-To: <d9b60df0-bb3a-21b1-94df-2e808a70b0c3@techware2k.com> Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------060400060209080603070708"

    Oops. Added to the setup. Its the same one from the old setup. Copy
    it over for now.

    On 1/1/2019 12:11 PM, Lee Green wrote:
    PXUTILS.EXE is in the PXW root folder.

    When you run the program it says:
    ! Missing help file: PXUTILS.TXT
    which it is I've never been able to run it, I haven't tried the new
    one yet.

    On 1/1/2019 12:41 AM, robert.wolfe@winserver.org wrote:
    Why since it would probably be best when run from the command
    line. And where
    do you see PXUTILS.EXE at?

    On Dec 31, 2018 05:18pm, WINServer@winserver.com wrote to ROBERT

    > pxutils.txt is missing from the install CD.

    > A GUI version of pxutils.exe is welcomed.

    > _____

    > From: listadmin-winserver@winserver.com
    > [mailto:listadmin-winserver@winserver.com] On Behalf Of Hector
    > Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 12:10 PM
    > To: list-fidonet@winserver.com; winserver list
    > Subject: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress

    > Hi Folks,

    > With the new 2019 year coming, there are an old 1990s things I
    decided to
    > resurrect -- Platinum Xpress!!

    > PX/WIN was updated and what this means so far at this point
    is; PX/WIN
    > was compiled using the latest wcSDK headers and a new setup
    > (INNO) was used with offers 32/64bit support. This means the
    new PX/WIN
    > 7.0 setup/CD will work on modern OSes, unlike the PX/WIN 2.0
    > which only worked on 32 bit machines. We never did have a
    PX/WIN 3.0
    > Setup/CD. You first installed 2.0 via the CD and then upgraded
    to 3.0
    > using the BBS online product update patches and zip files.

    > We are giving this new PX/WIN a version 7.0 build 454.6 to make
    it align
    > with Wildcat!. If you are interested in refreshing your PX/WIN
    > installation and given it a whirl, please contact me off list.

    > No deep testing has been done. Nothing "Fido" related has been
    > i.e. imports/exports, attachments, etc. I am using, testing
    and playing
    > with PXTOOLS Sysop Editor now that I have PX/WIN v7.0 installed
    on my 64
    > bit Windows 7 home machine. It all seems to work but I am
    only using
    > PXTOOLS Sysop Editor, testing email and sending/receiving LONG
    > (LFN) attachments. Overall, LFN vs SFN related stuff needs
    to be
    > tested and reviewed since LFN/SFN is really the only difference
    > the older WCSDK headers used for PX/WIN 4.0 and the current
    WCSDK headers
    > used for PX/WIN 7.0.

    > I should note that the following:

    > o Still has the old *.HLP (help) files. I can't find the help
    > files to recompile as *.CHM help files. Maybe there is a HLP
    > decompiler like there is for CHM files.

    > o The same exact PX/WIN 2.0 CD installed fidonet related files
    were used
    > for installation, that means the old mail/file echo, backhone
    files were
    > provided. The installation will not overwrite any existing
    > files if you upgrade on top of your current PXW folder. In
    fact, the
    > following are the files that are part of the new

    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 103936 | default\abookapi.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 21:28:01 | 3702 | default\areafix.txt
    > - 1991/05/30 08:37:52 | 99940 | default\arj.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 61440 | default\bbsdlgs.dll
    > - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 181743 | default\docs\fidohubs.txt
    > - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\docs\fidomsg.txt
    > - 1997/02/07 11:31:14 | 17582 | default\docs\gamenet.txt
    > - 1997/02/27 19:59:32 | 1666 | default\docs\install.txt
    > - 1997/02/27 20:03:04 | 1715 | default\docs\license.txt
    > - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 75962 | default\docs\policy4.txt
    > - 1998/05/08 18:14:32 | 5799 | default\docs\pxnet.txt
    > - 1996/12/24 03:06:54 | 3256 | default\docs\pxusrban.txt
    > - 2018/12/30 14:32:02 | 2089 | default\docs\readme.txt
    > - 1996/10/08 18:40:46 | 2392 | default\docs\wcerrors.txt
    > - 2000/02/12 18:41:36 | 2725 | default\docs\website.htm
    > - 2018/12/28 15:16:05 | 5397 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg-src.zip
    > - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.txt
    > - 1997/07/11 15:43:46 | 3552 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.wcx
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\fidomsg\pxnl.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\fidomsg\pxsrv.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 21:28:15 | 3173 | default\filefix.txt
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 62464 | default\holdapi.dll
    > - 1991/02/24 21:11:18 | 33951 | default\lha.exe
    > - 1998/07/06 01:38:30 | 35140 | default\nano\backbone.na
    > - 1998/06/24 04:29:16 | 4328 | default\nano\backbone.no
    > - 1998/06/22 03:29:00 | 117057 | default\nano\filebone.na
    > - 1998/06/22 03:28:02 | 11130 | default\nano\filebone.no
    > - 1995/12/12 07:36:16 | 116 | default\nano\pxfnet.na
    > - 2018/12/28 14:00:11 | 263 | default\nano\pxmnet.na
    > - 1997/02/05 21:54:08 | 50121 | default\nodelist\xnetlist.038
    > - 1990/10/08 02:51:00 | 106236 | default\pak.exe
    > - 2002/07/13 08:16:07 | 258048 | default\pkzip.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 28672 | default\pxbmark.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 44544 | default\pxcid.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 42496 | default\pxcmd.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 699904 | default\pxconfig.exe
    > - 1998/07/20 04:28:34 | 319322 | default\pxconfig.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 26112 | default\pxdlgs.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:54 | 477696 | default\pxecho.exe
    > - 1997/02/12 05:28:00 | 49378 | default\pxecho.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 166400 | default\pxfix.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 101376 | default\pxhatch.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 60416 | default\pxmagic.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 307712 | default\pxmail.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 170496 | default\pxnet.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\pxnl.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 188416 | default\pxnlist.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 582144 | default\pxonline.exe
    > - 1997/02/12 05:28:26 | 46885 | default\pxonline.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 122880 | default\pxrepair.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 60416 | default\pxretmsg.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 17408 | default\pxscript.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 74240 | default\pxsend.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 550400 | default\pxsetup.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:50 | 19968 | default\pxspell.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\pxsrv.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 74240 | default\pxstart.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 56832 | default\pxtaglib.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 201216 | default\pxtic.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 50176 | default\pxticapi.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:55 | 504832 | default\pxtools.exe
    > - 2005/05/06 13:46:42 | 70405 | default\pxtools.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 18432 | default\pxusered.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 187392 | default\pxutils.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 102912 | default\sdm2wc.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 16896 | default\ssutil.dll
    > - 1998/07/21 19:54:10 | 1617 | default\system\admin.in_
    > - 1998/05/09 15:45:22 | 237 | default\system\ann.tpl
    > - 1996/10/30 05:28:14 | 41946 | default\system\backbone.na
    > - 1996/10/30 05:27:46 | 3326 | default\system\backbone.no
    > - 1998/03/21 04:09:52 | 190 | default\system\fann.tpl
    > - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 63716 | default\system\filebone.na
    > - 1994/08/19 12:49:24 | 21646 | default\system\filebone.no
    > - 1998/06/17 01:16:52 | 1067 | default\system\fnotify.tpl
    > - 1996/12/07 14:11:42 | 1453 | default\system\freqresp.tpl
    > - 1996/11/30 05:26:00 | 14641 | default\system\ftscprod.dat
    > - 1998/06/17 01:17:02 | 931 | default\system\mnotify.tpl
    > - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.dat
    > - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.def
    > - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 4032 | default\system\pxdsecf.dat
    > - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 231 | default\system\pxdsecv.dat
    > - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxfnet.dat
    > - 1995/12/12 06:36:16 | 116 | default\system\pxfnet.na
    > - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxmnet.dat
    > - 1996/10/07 12:55:18 | 263 | default\system\pxmnet.na
    > - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 72 | default\system\pxorigin.txt
    > - 1998/06/30 19:10:18 | 941 | default\system\pxzone.txt
    > - 1998/06/17 01:15:08 | 256 | default\system\tann.tpl
    > - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 113152 | default\unzip.exe
    > - 1997/10/23 02:02:00 | 1287088 | default\vcl30.dpl
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 93184 | default\viewfat.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 62464 | default\viewnet.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 70656 | default\viewout.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 65536 | default\viewpoll.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 14:28:05 | 76288 | default\wcfront.dll
    > - 2018/11/13 22:41:02 | 238080 | default\wcsrv2.dll
    > - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 112128 | default\zip.exe

    > # Total Files : 97
    > # Total Size : 9139872

    > Some of the plans are:

    > o Making PX/WIN part of the AUP,
    > o Make sure the LFN/SFN is addressed where applicable,
    > o Enhancing the PXTOOLS Sysop Editor to better support RFC5322,
    Mime Mail,
    > o Extending the concepts of PX/WIN File/Mail Bone for a Wildcat!
    > distributed network. i.e. PX/NET.

    > Thanks for your long time support and have a great new year!

    > --

    > Hector, Engineering & Technical Support

    > Santronics Software, Inc.

    > http://www.santronics.com (sales)

    > http://www.winserver.com (support)

    > http://www.winserver.com/AupInfo (Online AUP Help)

    > Office: 305-248-3204

    > To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with

    > UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.

    > To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com


    > To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    > UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    > To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com

    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    Hector, Engineering & Technical Support
    Santronics Software, Inc.
    http://www.santronics.com (sales)
    http://www.winserver.com (support)
    http://www.winserver.com/AupInfo (Online AUP Help)
    Office: 305-248-3204

    fn:Hector Santos

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)
  • From Antoniorico@Tnabbs.Org@1:124/5013 to All on Fri Jan 20 10:12:58 2023
    Newsgroups: wclistserve.win.server
    Received: by winserver.com (Wildcat! SMTP Router v7.0.454.6)
    for WINServer@winserver.com; Wed, 02 Jan 2019 12:59:24 -0500 Authentication-Results: dkim.winserver.com;
    dkim=fail (DKIM_SELECTOR_DNS_PERM_FAILURE) header.d=tnabbs.org header.s=turbo-smtp header.i=tnabbs.org;
    Received: from nbjjceehccci.turbo-smtp.net ([])
    by winserver.com (Wildcat! SMTP v7.0.454.6) with ESMTP
    id 1153893142.1.3508; Wed, 02 Jan 2019 12:59:22 -0500
    DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
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    From: "Antonio Rico" <antoniorico@tnabbs.org>
    To: <WINServer@winserver.com>
    References: <5C2A4D58.2000908@winserver.com>
    Subject: RE: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress
    Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2019 12:58:58 -0500
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    Has the newer PXONLINE version been tested with netserial because version
    PXW3 crashes?

    Testing PXW and Netserial Phone Book Features. Allowing FIDO over telnet for Wildcat! distributed network PX/NET, ie 555-555-5555 to domain name/ip

    Allowing PXW to be called from net2bbs or other third party telnet/com
    emulator would be a nice feature.

    Adding the telnet handle, node and comport for commandline parameters for PX and PXW would be excellent.


    From: listadmin-winserver@winserver.com [mailto:listadmin-winserver@winserver.com] On Behalf Of Hector Santos
    Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 12:10 PM
    To: list-fidonet@winserver.com; winserver list
    Subject: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress

    Hi Folks,

    With the new 2019 year coming, there are an old 1990s things I decided to resurrect -- Platinum Xpress!!

    PX/WIN was updated and what this means so far at this point is; PX/WIN was compiled using the latest wcSDK headers and a new setup utility (INNO) was used with offers 32/64bit support. This means the new PX/WIN 7.0 setup/CD
    will work on modern OSes, unlike the PX/WIN 2.0 Setup/CD which only worked
    on 32 bit machines. We never did have a PX/WIN 3.0 Setup/CD. You first installed 2.0 via the CD and then upgraded to 3.0 using the BBS online
    product update patches and zip files.

    We are giving this new PX/WIN a version 7.0 build 454.6 to make it align
    with Wildcat!. If you are interested in refreshing your PX/WIN
    installation and given it a whirl, please contact me off list.

    No deep testing has been done. Nothing "Fido" related has been tested, i.e. imports/exports, attachments, etc. I am using, testing and playing with PXTOOLS Sysop Editor now that I have PX/WIN v7.0 installed on my 64 bit
    Windows 7 home machine. It all seems to work but I am only using PXTOOLS Sysop Editor, testing email and sending/receiving LONG FILE NAME (LFN) attachments. Overall, LFN vs SFN related stuff needs to be tested and reviewed since LFN/SFN is really the only difference between the older WCSDK headers used for PX/WIN 4.0 and the current WCSDK headers used for PX/WIN

    I should note that the following:

    o Still has the old *.HLP (help) files. I can't find the help source files
    to recompile as *.CHM help files. Maybe there is a HLP file decompiler
    like there is for CHM files.

    o The same exact PX/WIN 2.0 CD installed fidonet related files were used for installation, that means the old mail/file echo, backhone files were
    provided. The installation will not overwrite any existing subfolder files
    if you upgrade on top of your current PXW folder. In fact, the following
    are the files that are part of the new setup/installation:

    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 103936 | default\abookapi.dll
    - 2018/12/30 21:28:01 | 3702 | default\areafix.txt
    - 1991/05/30 08:37:52 | 99940 | default\arj.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 61440 | default\bbsdlgs.dll
    - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 181743 | default\docs\fidohubs.txt
    - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\docs\fidomsg.txt
    - 1997/02/07 11:31:14 | 17582 | default\docs\gamenet.txt
    - 1997/02/27 19:59:32 | 1666 | default\docs\install.txt
    - 1997/02/27 20:03:04 | 1715 | default\docs\license.txt
    - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 75962 | default\docs\policy4.txt
    - 1998/05/08 18:14:32 | 5799 | default\docs\pxnet.txt
    - 1996/12/24 03:06:54 | 3256 | default\docs\pxusrban.txt
    - 2018/12/30 14:32:02 | 2089 | default\docs\readme.txt
    - 1996/10/08 18:40:46 | 2392 | default\docs\wcerrors.txt
    - 2000/02/12 18:41:36 | 2725 | default\docs\website.htm
    - 2018/12/28 15:16:05 | 5397 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg-src.zip
    - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.txt
    - 1997/07/11 15:43:46 | 3552 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.wcx
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\fidomsg\pxnl.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\fidomsg\pxsrv.dll
    - 2018/12/30 21:28:15 | 3173 | default\filefix.txt
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 62464 | default\holdapi.dll
    - 1991/02/24 21:11:18 | 33951 | default\lha.exe
    - 1998/07/06 01:38:30 | 35140 | default\nano\backbone.na
    - 1998/06/24 04:29:16 | 4328 | default\nano\backbone.no
    - 1998/06/22 03:29:00 | 117057 | default\nano\filebone.na
    - 1998/06/22 03:28:02 | 11130 | default\nano\filebone.no
    - 1995/12/12 07:36:16 | 116 | default\nano\pxfnet.na
    - 2018/12/28 14:00:11 | 263 | default\nano\pxmnet.na
    - 1997/02/05 21:54:08 | 50121 | default\nodelist\xnetlist.038
    - 1990/10/08 02:51:00 | 106236 | default\pak.exe
    - 2002/07/13 08:16:07 | 258048 | default\pkzip.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 28672 | default\pxbmark.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 44544 | default\pxcid.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 42496 | default\pxcmd.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 699904 | default\pxconfig.exe
    - 1998/07/20 04:28:34 | 319322 | default\pxconfig.hlp
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 26112 | default\pxdlgs.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:54 | 477696 | default\pxecho.exe
    - 1997/02/12 05:28:00 | 49378 | default\pxecho.hlp
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 166400 | default\pxfix.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 101376 | default\pxhatch.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 60416 | default\pxmagic.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 307712 | default\pxmail.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 170496 | default\pxnet.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\pxnl.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 188416 | default\pxnlist.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 582144 | default\pxonline.exe
    - 1997/02/12 05:28:26 | 46885 | default\pxonline.hlp
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 122880 | default\pxrepair.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 60416 | default\pxretmsg.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 17408 | default\pxscript.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 74240 | default\pxsend.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 550400 | default\pxsetup.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:50 | 19968 | default\pxspell.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\pxsrv.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 74240 | default\pxstart.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 56832 | default\pxtaglib.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 201216 | default\pxtic.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 50176 | default\pxticapi.dll
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:55 | 504832 | default\pxtools.exe
    - 2005/05/06 13:46:42 | 70405 | default\pxtools.hlp
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 18432 | default\pxusered.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 187392 | default\pxutils.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 102912 | default\sdm2wc.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 16896 | default\ssutil.dll
    - 1998/07/21 19:54:10 | 1617 | default\system\admin.in_
    - 1998/05/09 15:45:22 | 237 | default\system\ann.tpl
    - 1996/10/30 05:28:14 | 41946 | default\system\backbone.na
    - 1996/10/30 05:27:46 | 3326 | default\system\backbone.no
    - 1998/03/21 04:09:52 | 190 | default\system\fann.tpl
    - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 63716 | default\system\filebone.na
    - 1994/08/19 12:49:24 | 21646 | default\system\filebone.no
    - 1998/06/17 01:16:52 | 1067 | default\system\fnotify.tpl
    - 1996/12/07 14:11:42 | 1453 | default\system\freqresp.tpl
    - 1996/11/30 05:26:00 | 14641 | default\system\ftscprod.dat
    - 1998/06/17 01:17:02 | 931 | default\system\mnotify.tpl
    - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.dat
    - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.def
    - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 4032 | default\system\pxdsecf.dat
    - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 231 | default\system\pxdsecv.dat
    - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxfnet.dat
    - 1995/12/12 06:36:16 | 116 | default\system\pxfnet.na
    - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxmnet.dat
    - 1996/10/07 12:55:18 | 263 | default\system\pxmnet.na
    - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 72 | default\system\pxorigin.txt
    - 1998/06/30 19:10:18 | 941 | default\system\pxzone.txt
    - 1998/06/17 01:15:08 | 256 | default\system\tann.tpl
    - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 113152 | default\unzip.exe
    - 1997/10/23 02:02:00 | 1287088 | default\vcl30.dpl
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 93184 | default\viewfat.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 62464 | default\viewnet.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 70656 | default\viewout.exe
    - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 65536 | default\viewpoll.exe
    - 2018/12/30 14:28:05 | 76288 | default\wcfront.dll
    - 2018/11/13 22:41:02 | 238080 | default\wcsrv2.dll
    - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 112128 | default\zip.exe

    # Total Files : 97
    # Total Size : 9139872

    Some of the plans are:

    o Making PX/WIN part of the AUP,
    o Make sure the LFN/SFN is addressed where applicable,
    o Enhancing the PXTOOLS Sysop Editor to better support RFC5322, Mime Mail,
    o Extending the concepts of PX/WIN File/Mail Bone for a Wildcat! distributed network. i.e. PX/NET.

    Thanks for your long time support and have a great new year!


    Hector, Engineering & Technical Support

    Santronics Software, Inc.

    http://www.santronics.com (sales)

    http://www.winserver.com (support)

    http://www.winserver.com/AupInfo (Online AUP Help)

    Office: 305-248-3204 ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with

    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.

    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)
  • From Tbarlow550@Gmail.Com@1:124/5013 to All on Fri Jan 20 10:12:58 2023
    Newsgroups: wclistserve.win.server
    Received: by winserver.com (Wildcat! SMTP Router v7.0.454.6)
    for WINServer@winserver.com; Sat, 05 Jan 2019 22:40:52 -0500 Authentication-Results: dkim.winserver.com;
    dkim=pass header.d=gmail.com header.s=20161025 header.i=gmail.com;
    Received: from mail-lf1-f48.google.com ([])
    by winserver.com (Wildcat! SMTP v7.0.454.6) with ESMTP
    id 1447978521.1.3296; Sat, 05 Jan 2019 22:40:51 -0500
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    designates as permitted sender)
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    spf=pass smtp.mailfrom=tbarlow550@gmail.com;
    Received: by mail-lf1-f48.google.com with SMTP id y11so27900893lfj.4
    for <WINServer@winserver.com>; Sat, 05 Jan 2019 19:40:50 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
    d=gmail.com; s=20161025;
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    References: <1546332087@winserver.org> <d9b60df0-bb3a-21b1-94df-2e808a70b0c3@techware2k.com>
    <5C2BFF1E.5090506@winserver.com> <9B94C02D287044A7A27A62403703CA9D@t61bbs> In-Reply-To: <9B94C02D287044A7A27A62403703CA9D@t61bbs>
    From: Tj Barlow <tbarlow550@gmail.com>
    Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2019 22:40:41 -0500
    Message-ID: <CAA3gaST7EVB=mp2z1HEGfGYs9A83Cw7Ae4zQ3MkH1yRS3RuD7A@mail.gmail.com>
    Subject: Re: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress
    To: WINServer@winserver.com
    Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="000000000000bb21d1057ec1e026"

    Will the PXWIN 7.0 be a Free UPGrade or not ? if not what are we looking at
    to get the new PWX thats cool tho thanks ive been waiting for this for a
    will it ever have Binkp support?


    On Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 10:32 PM Antonio Rico <antoniorico@tnabbs.org> wrote:


    Newer standards support the following: cram-md5, AES-256 encryption for netmail and echomail that is transparent to unsupported systems. hide akas, UTC time, local time and time zone information when connecting.

    Hope to see these in the newer pxw.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: listadmin-winserver@winserver.com [mailto:listadmin-winserver@winserver.com] On Behalf Of Hector Santos
    Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2019 7:01 PM
    To: WINServer@winserver.com
    Subject: Re: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress

    Oops. Added to the setup. Its the same one from the old setup. Copy
    it over for now.

    On 1/1/2019 12:11 PM, Lee Green wrote:
    PXUTILS.EXE is in the PXW root folder.

    When you run the program it says:
    ! Missing help file: PXUTILS.TXT
    which it is I've never been able to run it, I haven't tried the new
    one yet.

    On 1/1/2019 12:41 AM, robert.wolfe@winserver.org wrote:
    Why since it would probably be best when run from the command line.
    And where do you see PXUTILS.EXE at?

    On Dec 31, 2018 05:18pm, WINServer@winserver.com wrote to ROBERT

    > pxutils.txt is missing from the install CD.

    > A GUI version of pxutils.exe is welcomed.

    > _____

    > From: listadmin-winserver@winserver.com
    > [mailto:listadmin-winserver@winserver.com] On Behalf Of Hector
    > Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 12:10 PM
    > To: list-fidonet@winserver.com; winserver list
    > Subject: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress

    > Hi Folks,

    > With the new 2019 year coming, there are an old 1990s things I
    decided to
    > resurrect -- Platinum Xpress!!

    > PX/WIN was updated and what this means so far at this point is;
    > was compiled using the latest wcSDK headers and a new setup
    > (INNO) was used with offers 32/64bit support. This means the new
    > 7.0 setup/CD will work on modern OSes, unlike the PX/WIN 2.0
    > which only worked on 32 bit machines. We never did have a
    PX/WIN 3.0
    > Setup/CD. You first installed 2.0 via the CD and then upgraded
    to 3.0
    > using the BBS online product update patches and zip files.

    > We are giving this new PX/WIN a version 7.0 build 454.6 to make
    it align
    > with Wildcat!. If you are interested in refreshing your PX/WIN
    > installation and given it a whirl, please contact me off list.

    > No deep testing has been done. Nothing "Fido" related has been
    > i.e. imports/exports, attachments, etc. I am using, testing
    and playing
    > with PXTOOLS Sysop Editor now that I have PX/WIN v7.0 installed
    on my 64
    > bit Windows 7 home machine. It all seems to work but I am
    only using
    > PXTOOLS Sysop Editor, testing email and sending/receiving LONG
    > (LFN) attachments. Overall, LFN vs SFN related stuff needs
    to be
    > tested and reviewed since LFN/SFN is really the only difference
    > the older WCSDK headers used for PX/WIN 4.0 and the current WCSDK
    > used for PX/WIN 7.0.

    > I should note that the following:

    > o Still has the old *.HLP (help) files. I can't find the help
    > files to recompile as *.CHM help files. Maybe there is a HLP
    > decompiler like there is for CHM files.

    > o The same exact PX/WIN 2.0 CD installed fidonet related files
    were used
    > for installation, that means the old mail/file echo, backhone
    files were
    > provided. The installation will not overwrite any existing
    > files if you upgrade on top of your current PXW folder. In fact,
    > following are the files that are part of the new

    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 103936 | default\abookapi.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 21:28:01 | 3702 | default\areafix.txt
    > - 1991/05/30 08:37:52 | 99940 | default\arj.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 61440 | default\bbsdlgs.dll
    > - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 181743 | default\docs\fidohubs.txt
    > - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\docs\fidomsg.txt
    > - 1997/02/07 11:31:14 | 17582 | default\docs\gamenet.txt
    > - 1997/02/27 19:59:32 | 1666 | default\docs\install.txt
    > - 1997/02/27 20:03:04 | 1715 | default\docs\license.txt
    > - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 75962 | default\docs\policy4.txt
    > - 1998/05/08 18:14:32 | 5799 | default\docs\pxnet.txt
    > - 1996/12/24 03:06:54 | 3256 | default\docs\pxusrban.txt
    > - 2018/12/30 14:32:02 | 2089 | default\docs\readme.txt
    > - 1996/10/08 18:40:46 | 2392 | default\docs\wcerrors.txt
    > - 2000/02/12 18:41:36 | 2725 | default\docs\website.htm
    > - 2018/12/28 15:16:05 | 5397 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg-src.zip
    > - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.txt
    > - 1997/07/11 15:43:46 | 3552 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.wcx
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\fidomsg\pxnl.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\fidomsg\pxsrv.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 21:28:15 | 3173 | default\filefix.txt
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 62464 | default\holdapi.dll
    > - 1991/02/24 21:11:18 | 33951 | default\lha.exe
    > - 1998/07/06 01:38:30 | 35140 | default\nano\backbone.na
    > - 1998/06/24 04:29:16 | 4328 | default\nano\backbone.no
    > - 1998/06/22 03:29:00 | 117057 | default\nano\filebone.na
    > - 1998/06/22 03:28:02 | 11130 | default\nano\filebone.no
    > - 1995/12/12 07:36:16 | 116 | default\nano\pxfnet.na
    > - 2018/12/28 14:00:11 | 263 | default\nano\pxmnet.na
    > - 1997/02/05 21:54:08 | 50121 | default\nodelist\xnetlist.038
    > - 1990/10/08 02:51:00 | 106236 | default\pak.exe
    > - 2002/07/13 08:16:07 | 258048 | default\pkzip.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 28672 | default\pxbmark.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 44544 | default\pxcid.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 42496 | default\pxcmd.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 699904 | default\pxconfig.exe
    > - 1998/07/20 04:28:34 | 319322 | default\pxconfig.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 26112 | default\pxdlgs.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:54 | 477696 | default\pxecho.exe
    > - 1997/02/12 05:28:00 | 49378 | default\pxecho.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 166400 | default\pxfix.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 101376 | default\pxhatch.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 60416 | default\pxmagic.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 307712 | default\pxmail.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 170496 | default\pxnet.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\pxnl.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 188416 | default\pxnlist.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 582144 | default\pxonline.exe
    > - 1997/02/12 05:28:26 | 46885 | default\pxonline.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 122880 | default\pxrepair.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 60416 | default\pxretmsg.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 17408 | default\pxscript.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 74240 | default\pxsend.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 550400 | default\pxsetup.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:50 | 19968 | default\pxspell.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\pxsrv.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 74240 | default\pxstart.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 56832 | default\pxtaglib.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 201216 | default\pxtic.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 50176 | default\pxticapi.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:55 | 504832 | default\pxtools.exe
    > - 2005/05/06 13:46:42 | 70405 | default\pxtools.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 18432 | default\pxusered.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 187392 | default\pxutils.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 102912 | default\sdm2wc.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 16896 | default\ssutil.dll
    > - 1998/07/21 19:54:10 | 1617 | default\system\admin.in_
    > - 1998/05/09 15:45:22 | 237 | default\system\ann.tpl
    > - 1996/10/30 05:28:14 | 41946 | default\system\backbone.na
    > - 1996/10/30 05:27:46 | 3326 | default\system\backbone.no
    > - 1998/03/21 04:09:52 | 190 | default\system\fann.tpl
    > - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 63716 | default\system\filebone.na
    > - 1994/08/19 12:49:24 | 21646 | default\system\filebone.no
    > - 1998/06/17 01:16:52 | 1067 | default\system\fnotify.tpl
    > - 1996/12/07 14:11:42 | 1453 | default\system\freqresp.tpl
    > - 1996/11/30 05:26:00 | 14641 | default\system\ftscprod.dat
    > - 1998/06/17 01:17:02 | 931 | default\system\mnotify.tpl
    > - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.dat
    > - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.def
    > - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 4032 | default\system\pxdsecf.dat
    > - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 231 | default\system\pxdsecv.dat
    > - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxfnet.dat
    > - 1995/12/12 06:36:16 | 116 | default\system\pxfnet.na
    > - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxmnet.dat
    > - 1996/10/07 12:55:18 | 263 | default\system\pxmnet.na
    > - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 72 | default\system\pxorigin.txt
    > - 1998/06/30 19:10:18 | 941 | default\system\pxzone.txt
    > - 1998/06/17 01:15:08 | 256 | default\system\tann.tpl
    > - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 113152 | default\unzip.exe
    > - 1997/10/23 02:02:00 | 1287088 | default\vcl30.dpl
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 93184 | default\viewfat.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 62464 | default\viewnet.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 70656 | default\viewout.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 65536 | default\viewpoll.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 14:28:05 | 76288 | default\wcfront.dll
    > - 2018/11/13 22:41:02 | 238080 | default\wcsrv2.dll
    > - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 112128 | default\zip.exe

    > # Total Files : 97
    > # Total Size : 9139872

    > Some of the plans are:

    > o Making PX/WIN part of the AUP,
    > o Make sure the LFN/SFN is addressed where applicable,
    > o Enhancing the PXTOOLS Sysop Editor to better support RFC5322,
    Mime Mail,
    > o Extending the concepts of PX/WIN File/Mail Bone for a Wildcat!
    > distributed network. i.e. PX/NET.

    > Thanks for your long time support and have a great new year!

    > --

    > Hector, Engineering & Technical Support

    > Santronics Software, Inc.

    > http://www.santronics.com (sales)

    > http://www.winserver.com (support)

    > http://www.winserver.com/AupInfo (Online AUP Help)

    > Office: 305-248-3204

    > To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with

    > UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.

    > To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com


    > To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    > UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    > To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com

    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    Hector, Engineering & Technical Support
    Santronics Software, Inc.
    http://www.santronics.com (sales)
    http://www.winserver.com (support)
    http://www.winserver.com/AupInfo (Online AUP Help)
    Office: 305-248-3204

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)
  • From Robert.Wolfe@Robertwolfe.Org@1:124/5013 to All on Fri Jan 20 10:12:58 2023
    Newsgroups: wclistserve.win.server
    Received: by winserver.com (Wildcat! SMTP Router v7.0.454.6)
    for WINServer@winserver.com; Sat, 05 Jan 2019 23:27:51 -0500 Authentication-Results: dkim.winserver.com;
    dkim=pass header.d=robertwolfe-org.20150623.gappssmtp.com header.s=20150623 header.i=robertwolfe-org.20150623.gappssmtp.com;
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    by winserver.com (Wildcat! SMTP v7.0.454.6) with ESMTP
    id 1450797412.1.2460; Sat, 05 Jan 2019 23:27:50 -0500
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    References: <1546332087@winserver.org> <d9b60df0-bb3a-21b1-94df-2e808a70b0c3@techware2k.com>
    <5C2BFF1E.5090506@winserver.com> <9B94C02D287044A7A27A62403703CA9D@t61bbs> <CAA3gaST7EVB=mp2z1HEGfGYs9A83Cw7Ae4zQ3MkH1yRS3RuD7A@mail.gmail.com> In-Reply-To: <CAA3gaST7EVB=mp2z1HEGfGYs9A83Cw7Ae4zQ3MkH1yRS3RuD7A@mail.gmail.com>
    From: "Wolfe, Robert" <robert.wolfe@robertwolfe.org>
    Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2019 22:27:25 -0600
    Message-ID: <CACU051Bzabuw0wRqVmoVjYXk9Y_GKWpwsMibZ4JFGpdWYSTpZA@mail.gmail.com>
    Subject: Re: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress
    To: WINServer@winserver.com
    Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="00000000000036ae47057ec28803"

    right now it only looks like on can get pxw seven if one is an AUP

    On Sat, Jan 5, 2019, 9:42 PM Tj Barlow <tbarlow550@gmail.com wrote:

    Will the PXWIN 7.0 be a Free UPGrade or not ? if not what are we looking
    at to get the new PWX thats cool tho thanks ive been waiting for this for a wile
    will it ever have Binkp support?


    On Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 10:32 PM Antonio Rico <antoniorico@tnabbs.org>


    Newer standards support the following: cram-md5, AES-256 encryption for
    netmail and echomail that is transparent to unsupported systems. hide
    UTC time, local time and time zone information when connecting.

    Hope to see these in the newer pxw.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: listadmin-winserver@winserver.com
    [mailto:listadmin-winserver@winserver.com] On Behalf Of Hector Santos
    Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2019 7:01 PM
    To: WINServer@winserver.com
    Subject: Re: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress

    Oops. Added to the setup. Its the same one from the old setup. Copy
    it over for now.

    On 1/1/2019 12:11 PM, Lee Green wrote:
    PXUTILS.EXE is in the PXW root folder.

    When you run the program it says:
    ! Missing help file: PXUTILS.TXT
    which it is I've never been able to run it, I haven't tried the new
    one yet.

    On 1/1/2019 12:41 AM, robert.wolfe@winserver.org wrote:
    Why since it would probably be best when run from the command line.
    And where do you see PXUTILS.EXE at?

    On Dec 31, 2018 05:18pm, WINServer@winserver.com wrote to ROBERT

    > pxutils.txt is missing from the install CD.

    > A GUI version of pxutils.exe is welcomed.

    > _____

    > From: listadmin-winserver@winserver.com
    > [mailto:listadmin-winserver@winserver.com] On Behalf Of Hector
    > Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 12:10 PM
    > To: list-fidonet@winserver.com; winserver list
    > Subject: [WINServer] Platinum Xpress

    > Hi Folks,

    > With the new 2019 year coming, there are an old 1990s things I
    decided to
    > resurrect -- Platinum Xpress!!

    > PX/WIN was updated and what this means so far at this point is;
    > was compiled using the latest wcSDK headers and a new setup
    > (INNO) was used with offers 32/64bit support. This means the new
    > 7.0 setup/CD will work on modern OSes, unlike the PX/WIN 2.0
    > which only worked on 32 bit machines. We never did have a
    PX/WIN 3.0
    > Setup/CD. You first installed 2.0 via the CD and then upgraded
    to 3.0
    > using the BBS online product update patches and zip files.

    > We are giving this new PX/WIN a version 7.0 build 454.6 to make
    it align
    > with Wildcat!. If you are interested in refreshing your PX/WIN
    > installation and given it a whirl, please contact me off list.

    > No deep testing has been done. Nothing "Fido" related has been
    > i.e. imports/exports, attachments, etc. I am using, testing
    and playing
    > with PXTOOLS Sysop Editor now that I have PX/WIN v7.0 installed
    on my 64
    > bit Windows 7 home machine. It all seems to work but I am
    only using
    > PXTOOLS Sysop Editor, testing email and sending/receiving LONG
    > (LFN) attachments. Overall, LFN vs SFN related stuff needs
    to be
    > tested and reviewed since LFN/SFN is really the only difference
    > the older WCSDK headers used for PX/WIN 4.0 and the current WCSDK
    > used for PX/WIN 7.0.

    > I should note that the following:

    > o Still has the old *.HLP (help) files. I can't find the help
    > files to recompile as *.CHM help files. Maybe there is a HLP
    > decompiler like there is for CHM files.

    > o The same exact PX/WIN 2.0 CD installed fidonet related files
    were used
    > for installation, that means the old mail/file echo, backhone
    files were
    > provided. The installation will not overwrite any existing
    > files if you upgrade on top of your current PXW folder. In fact,
    > following are the files that are part of the new

    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 103936 | default\abookapi.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 21:28:01 | 3702 | default\areafix.txt
    > - 1991/05/30 08:37:52 | 99940 | default\arj.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 61440 | default\bbsdlgs.dll
    > - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 181743 | default\docs\fidohubs.txt
    > - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\docs\fidomsg.txt
    > - 1997/02/07 11:31:14 | 17582 | default\docs\gamenet.txt
    > - 1997/02/27 19:59:32 | 1666 | default\docs\install.txt
    > - 1997/02/27 20:03:04 | 1715 | default\docs\license.txt
    > - 1997/01/06 00:30:00 | 75962 | default\docs\policy4.txt
    > - 1998/05/08 18:14:32 | 5799 | default\docs\pxnet.txt
    > - 1996/12/24 03:06:54 | 3256 | default\docs\pxusrban.txt
    > - 2018/12/30 14:32:02 | 2089 | default\docs\readme.txt
    > - 1996/10/08 18:40:46 | 2392 | default\docs\wcerrors.txt
    > - 2000/02/12 18:41:36 | 2725 | default\docs\website.htm
    > - 2018/12/28 15:16:05 | 5397 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg-src.zip
    > - 2018/12/28 15:16:01 | 1647 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.txt
    > - 1997/07/11 15:43:46 | 3552 | default\fidomsg\fidomsg.wcx
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\fidomsg\pxnl.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\fidomsg\pxsrv.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 21:28:15 | 3173 | default\filefix.txt
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 62464 | default\holdapi.dll
    > - 1991/02/24 21:11:18 | 33951 | default\lha.exe
    > - 1998/07/06 01:38:30 | 35140 | default\nano\backbone.na
    > - 1998/06/24 04:29:16 | 4328 | default\nano\backbone.no
    > - 1998/06/22 03:29:00 | 117057 | default\nano\filebone.na
    > - 1998/06/22 03:28:02 | 11130 | default\nano\filebone.no
    > - 1995/12/12 07:36:16 | 116 | default\nano\pxfnet.na
    > - 2018/12/28 14:00:11 | 263 | default\nano\pxmnet.na
    > - 1997/02/05 21:54:08 | 50121 | default\nodelist\xnetlist.038
    > - 1990/10/08 02:51:00 | 106236 | default\pak.exe
    > - 2002/07/13 08:16:07 | 258048 | default\pkzip.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 28672 | default\pxbmark.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 44544 | default\pxcid.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 42496 | default\pxcmd.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 699904 | default\pxconfig.exe
    > - 1998/07/20 04:28:34 | 319322 | default\pxconfig.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:51 | 26112 | default\pxdlgs.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:54 | 477696 | default\pxecho.exe
    > - 1997/02/12 05:28:00 | 49378 | default\pxecho.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 166400 | default\pxfix.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 101376 | default\pxhatch.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 60416 | default\pxmagic.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 307712 | default\pxmail.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 170496 | default\pxnet.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 55296 | default\pxnl.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:59 | 188416 | default\pxnlist.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:53 | 582144 | default\pxonline.exe
    > - 1997/02/12 05:28:26 | 46885 | default\pxonline.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 122880 | default\pxrepair.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 60416 | default\pxretmsg.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 17408 | default\pxscript.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 74240 | default\pxsend.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:05 | 550400 | default\pxsetup.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:50 | 19968 | default\pxspell.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 25088 | default\pxsrv.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 74240 | default\pxstart.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 56832 | default\pxtaglib.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 201216 | default\pxtic.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:01 | 50176 | default\pxticapi.dll
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:55 | 504832 | default\pxtools.exe
    > - 2005/05/06 13:46:42 | 70405 | default\pxtools.hlp
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:00 | 18432 | default\pxusered.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:02 | 187392 | default\pxutils.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:06 | 102912 | default\sdm2wc.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:49:52 | 16896 | default\ssutil.dll
    > - 1998/07/21 19:54:10 | 1617 | default\system\admin.in_
    > - 1998/05/09 15:45:22 | 237 | default\system\ann.tpl
    > - 1996/10/30 05:28:14 | 41946 | default\system\backbone.na
    > - 1996/10/30 05:27:46 | 3326 | default\system\backbone.no
    > - 1998/03/21 04:09:52 | 190 | default\system\fann.tpl
    > - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 63716 | default\system\filebone.na
    > - 1994/08/19 12:49:24 | 21646 | default\system\filebone.no
    > - 1998/06/17 01:16:52 | 1067 | default\system\fnotify.tpl
    > - 1996/12/07 14:11:42 | 1453 | default\system\freqresp.tpl
    > - 1996/11/30 05:26:00 | 14641 | default\system\ftscprod.dat
    > - 1998/06/17 01:17:02 | 931 | default\system\mnotify.tpl
    > - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.dat
    > - 1996/11/08 14:21:10 | 1390 | default\system\pxarch.def
    > - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 4032 | default\system\pxdsecf.dat
    > - 1995/12/12 06:29:32 | 231 | default\system\pxdsecv.dat
    > - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxfnet.dat
    > - 1995/12/12 06:36:16 | 116 | default\system\pxfnet.na
    > - 1996/10/07 13:21:40 | 1118 | default\system\pxmnet.dat
    > - 1996/10/07 12:55:18 | 263 | default\system\pxmnet.na
    > - 1995/03/30 00:00:00 | 72 | default\system\pxorigin.txt
    > - 1998/06/30 19:10:18 | 941 | default\system\pxzone.txt
    > - 1998/06/17 01:15:08 | 256 | default\system\tann.tpl
    > - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 113152 | default\unzip.exe
    > - 1997/10/23 02:02:00 | 1287088 | default\vcl30.dpl
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:03 | 93184 | default\viewfat.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 62464 | default\viewnet.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 70656 | default\viewout.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 19:50:04 | 65536 | default\viewpoll.exe
    > - 2018/12/30 14:28:05 | 76288 | default\wcfront.dll
    > - 2018/11/13 22:41:02 | 238080 | default\wcsrv2.dll
    > - 1996/03/11 05:00:00 | 112128 | default\zip.exe

    > # Total Files : 97
    > # Total Size : 9139872

    > Some of the plans are:

    > o Making PX/WIN part of the AUP,
    > o Make sure the LFN/SFN is addressed where applicable,
    > o Enhancing the PXTOOLS Sysop Editor to better support RFC5322,
    Mime Mail,
    > o Extending the concepts of PX/WIN File/Mail Bone for a Wildcat!
    > distributed network. i.e. PX/NET.

    > Thanks for your long time support and have a great new year!

    > --

    > Hector, Engineering & Technical Support

    > Santronics Software, Inc.

    > http://www.santronics.com (sales)

    > http://www.winserver.com (support)

    > http://www.winserver.com/AupInfo (Online AUP Help)

    > Office: 305-248-3204

    > To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with

    > UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.

    > To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com


    > To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    > UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    > To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com

    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com

    Hector, Engineering & Technical Support
    Santronics Software, Inc.
    http://www.santronics.com (sales)
    http://www.winserver.com (support)
    http://www.winserver.com/AupInfo (Online AUP Help)
    Office: 305-248-3204

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com

    To unsubscribe, send e-mail to wclistserve@winserver.com with
    UNSUBSCRIBE WINServer in the message body on a line by itself.
    To contact the list admin, e-mail ListAdmin@winserver.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)