• v1.22/DOS

    From T.J. Mcmillen@1:129/305 to All on Mon Oct 19 23:08:55 2020
    Okay Folks, I went ahead and made a FULL INSTALL of v1.22/DOS. Will be testing it here for a few days to make sure the installer works okay. Will make a v1.22/DOS copy over update as well. Nothing really major, just some minor code tweeks and some additions from the GitHub page.

    Will keep you posted once it goes live and I'll see if someone can throw i up on the Renegade home page as well when I do.

    On a side note, this is probably the last I will do anything with Renegade code wise for a long while. I just wanna run a BBS again. ;) I just got tired of people having issues from installing v1.10 and going through 2 minor updates to get to the current version. I figure this way it's all up to date and we're good.


    ... It's nothing a warm-boot can't fix, I think

    --- Renegade v1.22/Alpha
    * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - ttb.hopto.org (1:129/305)
  • From Tony Master@1:218/530 to T.J. Mcmillen on Tue Oct 20 01:05:07 2020
    On 19 Oct 2020, T.J. Mcmillen said the following...
    Okay Folks, I went ahead and made a FULL INSTALL of v1.22/DOS. Will be testing it here for a few days to make sure the installer works okay. Will make a v1.22/DOS copy over update as well. Nothing really major, just some minor code tweeks and some additions from the GitHub page.

    you mean adding time slicing? i did that for deskqview on my old rg utils.

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    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: --[!dreamland BBS bbs.dreamlandbbs.org (1:218/530)
  • From Ruben Figueroa@1:129/305 to T.J. Mcmillen on Tue Oct 20 10:57:38 2020
    Okay Folks, I went ahead and made a FULL INSTALL of v1.22/DOS. Will b testing it here for a few days to make sure the installer works okay. Wil make a v1.22/DOS copy over update as well. Nothing really major, just so minor code tweeks and some additions from the GitHub page.

    I definitely would be interested in that Full Install of v1.22/DOS.

    Will keep you posted once it goes live and I'll see if someone can thr up on the Renegade home page as well when I do.

    Not sure what you meant to type. You need someone to have a Renegade Home Page?

    Let me know.

    ... Heaven doesn't want me & Hell's afraid I'll take over.

    --- Renegade v1.22/Alpha
    * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - ttb.hopto.org (1:129/305)
  • From T.J. Mcmillen@1:129/305 to Ruben Figueroa on Tue Oct 20 17:07:33 2020
    Not sure what you meant to type. You need someone to have a Renegade Home Page?

    renegade.info is there, I think mbo runs it now.

    ... If ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.

    --- Renegade v1.22/Alpha
    * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - ttb.hopto.org (1:129/305)