A reminder that any discussion about a moderator action is not allowed in public. Per the echo rules:
"21. No discussion of moderation is to be done in the Echo. Any
discussion of moderation should be directed to the
moderators via netmail (preferred) or email."
(My email is
sysop@outpostbbs.net if you do not have it.)
"8. ONLY the moderators will address off-topic traffic or any other
violation of decorum or these rules."
As a reminder:
"19. These rules are subject to change at any time. The moderators
will give timely notice of such changes if possible; their
word is the final authority and is not subject to question."
I really dislike having to moderate but it seems I need to remind people.
-- Sean
COOKING Moderator
--- MultiMail/Linux
* Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)