Did she help with the emptying, or does she leave that to you.....?
some are better than others... and more expensive doesn't
guarantee better
And I note that you've been playing with them again anyway... ;)
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 13-Jan-2020 20:27 <=-
Did she help with the emptying, or does she leave that to you.....?
No and sort of. She doesn't drink hard alchohol which explains the leaving it up to me.
some are better than others... and more expensive doesn't
guarantee better
True. I still prefer Glenlivet which is more economical and it was
only because of the sale as well as never having tried it before that
led to Aberlour being the choice for 2020-01-01. Absolutely no disappointment and given the opportunity presenting itself in the
future I might even repeat it although it might be fun to try
something new on 2020-11-05. We'll see.
And I note that you've been playing with them again anyway... ;)
Yes. I updated the Europoint to replicate the same and I feel
confident that on Mar 1st the leap year experiment will fall off the
radar ... until Mar 1st, 2023 that is. I think I'll leave it in there
if you don't mind and I prefer it only showing up within a year of the actual event on 2024-02-29.
So she just encourages you to go ahead and finish it up
Sales do play into it
It will be an interesting addition
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 18-Jan-2020 17:35 <=-
So she just encourages you to go ahead and finish it up
Not really but when she first spotted and handled it she decided she wanted it for her collection. She uses some interesting bottles I've noticed, a few of which she is quite happy with as far as their
usability for home made wine/beer bottling.
Sales do play into it
Yes indeed however they never seem to coincide with when I am in the market for such items. This was the first time in a long time given
the infrequency of my search for said item as well as a lack of competition in this neck of the woods.
I am somewhat surprised they
carry the variety they do but then again the Island is full of Brits - some might even suggest there are too many Brits :::evil grin::: - so
that might be the reason for the availability and variety of single
malts. They have been known to run out around the Christmas season.
It will be an interesting addition
Yes. Only 42 more days. 9PM Rochester time on that Saturday is good
... I think. I don't get out much so I am almost positive it will be.
you know she's waiting (im)patiently for the bottle... ;)
I don't often go to the liquor store, either.... so I wouldn't
likely know about any unadvertised sales either, except by
accident... :)
It probably would be sufficient to know that they had a good
buying public for the items... :)
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 22-Jan-2020 20:50 <=-
you know she's waiting (im)patiently for the bottle... ;)She has other distractions but yes the bottle will end up there some
day soon.
I don't often go to the liquor store, either.... so I wouldn'tThat is exactly what happened this time. I was totally planning on a
likely know about any unadvertised sales either, except by
accident... :)
12yo Glenlivette when the Aberlour caught my eye. I am hoping it was
a sign of good things to come which will definetly be a welcome thing if/when it happens.
It probably would be sufficient to know that they had a goodLooks like they might have overstocked this time around. I plan to
buying public for the items... :)
check out their stock and potential sales for the upcoming 2020-02-29 cybertoast since it will happen so infrequently. I see I still have
38 days to decide. :-)
Keep your eyes open... there might be other good deals to come
Just over 30 days now... ;)
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 30-Jan-2020 04:36 <=-
Keep your eyes open... there might be other good deals to come
Yes and I hope so. I plan to check the next trip into town and if no
good deals then I plan to go with the standard operating procedure
(aka Glenlivet 12yo).
Just over 30 days now... ;)
I count exactly 30 and coincides with zaterdag if I am not mistaken.
Is this the first ever Saturday cybertoast? Offhand I think it is.
-={ '<Esc>:read !cal 02 2020' starts }=-
februari 2020
ma di wo do vr za zo
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29
-={ '<Esc>:read !cal 02 2020' ends }=-
Note that the week starts on maandag in the Netherlands instead of
zondag like it is here in Canada ... and the USA as far as I know
about such things.
We'll have something good to toast the leapday with
I don't really remember which days of the week the cybertoasts
have fallen on in the past
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 02-Feb-2020 04:22 <=-
We'll have something good to toast the leapday with
For sure. :-)
I don't really remember which days of the week the cybertoasts
have fallen on in the past
The only weekend one I recall was on a Sunday, but I don't recall
which cybertoast it was.
Mine will still be the Macallan 12
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 07-Feb-2020 06:29 <=-
Mine will still be the Macallan 12
I was at the local store a couple days ago and nothing of note was on sale. :-(
Macallan 12 is almost twice the price of Glenlivet 12 so needless to
say Glenlivet wins this time around.
I think 01-01 has the best
chance of catching a sale once the Christmas rush is over.
So does that mean you've purchased your bottle now...? :)
Do they ever advertise sales, or is it just catch as catch can...?
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 10-Feb-2020 03:38 <=-
So does that mean you've purchased your bottle now...? :)
Yes but not now now. Last week sometime as I happened to be in the neighbourhood of the local store. I am not often in that
neighbourhood so I thought at the time I'd take care of it early just
in case.
Do they ever advertise sales, or is it just catch as catch can...?
I think online they do but I seldom to never check those things out.
Also I don't get out much so when I do I tend to take care of
business, sale or not.
Probably a wise decision...
and also wouldn't see anything on TV, as I'm never watching it
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 14-Feb-2020 04:28 <=-
Probably a wise decision...
Being prepared is always a good idea. Also with all the weird weather even 15 dagen might not be enough time if things go seriously wrong
and I am unable to make a run on any local stores for supplies ... in
this case cybertoast offerings. Nobody, especially me, wants to see a
dry cybertoast or some cheap knockoff of the one and true single malt we've both agreed is the only way to go.
and also wouldn't see anything on TV, as I'm never watching it
Just as well as TV appears to be going extinct.
Here, the ground is somewhat frozen
causing some grief
Good reasons to stay clear of any chance of the raging streams
but then it warmed back up to about freezing for Saturday and
maybe about 4C (40F) today
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 17-Feb-2020 06:21 <=-
Here, the ground is somewhat frozen
causing some grief
I heard tales of ice quakes in the general Toronto area which isn't
too far from you.
Good reasons to stay clear of any chance of the raging streams
Every year around this time someone(s) is falling into a raging stream
due to slippery rocks on the shore.
but then it warmed back up to about freezing for Saturday and
maybe about 4C (40F) today
That sounds close to what we're getting here. As we speak (Sun 16 Feb 2020 10:30:13 PM PST) it is 2C with a forecasted low of 0C overnight. Some light showers earlier on. This is about average for this time of year.
You'd think they'd learn
We keep oscillating between well below average, and well above
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 22-Feb-2020 19:11 <=-
You'd think they'd learn
I am guessing they probably do but after it's it's too late. There
are all sorts of warnings to stay away from stream/river banks during flood events.
We keep oscillating between well below average, and well above
So far this year, other than the excessive rain in January, it's been
more or less around average temps with a few days below average and
zero days of anything resembling above average. We're being
threatened by a storm for tomorrow with low order gale force winds
from the usual direction (SE) we get high winds from. We could see a power outage but often when the wind is from the SE as long as it
under 70km/h we fare better than when it is from any other direction, especially the NW and then it's lights out guarenteed.
... Cybertoasts van belang:
2020-02-29 is 7 dagen vanaf nu en valt op een zaterdag.
if these are lucky, they survive to heed the warning the next
time, maybe...
Hopefully you fared reasonably well there
we had a fluke power outage last week, no bad weather around,
clear and sunny... and suddenly no power, out for about 20
And now just a few days to go... ;)
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 27-Feb-2020 04:29 <=-
if these are lucky, they survive to heed the warning the nextWho would know? I am not sure if anyone knows the survival rate of
time, maybe...
people falling into streams during high water events. It wouldn't surprise me if such statistics exist.
Hopefully you fared reasonably well thereWe got a good soaking without the predicted high winds and thus power
was preserved.
we had a fluke power outage last week, no bad weather around,We get those from time to time. I blame crows for those.
clear and sunny... and suddenly no power, out for about 20 minutes
And now just a few days to go... ;)Yes indeed. Unless I hear otherwise I am shooting for "Sat 29 Feb
2020 09:00:00 PM EST" as per the usual time for every cybertoast thus
I do know that there has been some work on high-power lines going
in, so that might have occasioned a shut-off... we didn't get
any warning that I know of, though...
"Sat 29 Feb 2020 09:00:00 PM EST"
That should work for me. :)
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